
第80章 Computer Security(10)

One of the most important international developments for defining security behavior has been the adoption of the international standard ISO 17799 Code of Practice for Information Security Management. It is a comprehensive management standard for addressing the full range of issues for protecting information. Sensible adoption and application of the standard could provide significant benefits both to business and consumers. Self regulation schemes would do well to consider adopting it as a means of providing a common frame of reference for security and privacy claims.

【New Words】














1. Multiple Choices

(1)Most viruses are ______.

A. worms

B. files infectors

C. time bombs

D. boot sector viruses

(2)The most secure authentication approach is ______.

A. firewalls

B. encryption

C. biometric

D. digital certification

(3)Computer hobbyists who enjoy pushing computer systems to their limits are known as ______.

A. Trojan horses

B. crackers

C. hackers

D. cyber gang members

(4)To protect against data loss caused by power surges and outages, some application programs offer what feature?

A. auto save

B. uninterruptible power supply

C. denial of service

D. surge protection

(5)A sophisticated perimeter physical security system ______.

A. can not compensate for unguarded access by telephone line

B. can compensate for unguarded access by telephone line

C. can not compensate for unguarded access by modem

D. can compensate for unguarded access by a modem

(6)Interruption can cause asset of system ______.

A. unavailable

B. lost

C. useful

D. unusable

(7)The harmful actions performed by virus include______.

A. data theft

B. practical joke

C. file corruption

D. file deletion

(8)Fabrication intrusion includes ______.

A. to add records

B. to add spurious transaction

C. to interrupt a system

D. to fabricate objects

(9)Example of modification includes ______.

A. altering a program

B. modification of the values in a data base

C. ****** the operating system unavailable

D. modifying data being transmitted

(10)The virus is activated when ______.

A. an infected program is executed

B. a computer is accessing a mailbox through the Internet

C. a computer is in shutdown status

D. an infected operating system performs a task

(11)If a virus does not begin its activity, it ______.

A. stops its activity

B. performs its activity

C. updates its execution condition

D. finds the infect programs after updating its execution condition

2. Translate the following phrase into Chinese

(1)infection mechanism

(2)the interrupt descriptor table

(3)object tables

(4)trigger date

(5)executable code

(6)slack space

(7)the hooked interrupt

(8)Flash ROM technology

3. Fill in each blank with a suitable term according to its official definition.

(1)______, an information processor which performs the instruction processing work of the enterprise.

(2)______, a program designed to replicate and spread on its own.

(3)______, on disk or diskette storage, an addressable subdivision of a track used to record one block of a program or data.

(4)______, a suspension of a process, such as the execution of a computer program, caused by an event external to that process, and performed in such a way that the process can be resumed.

(5)______, a collection of data referred to by a single name.

(6)______, one part of a document, a program, or a routine.

4 Translate the following sentence into Chinese

(1)Various machine parts can be washed very clean and will be clean as new ones when they are treated by ultrasonic, no matter how dirty and irregularly shaped they may be.

(2)While the customer waits, the system checks the credit card to be sure that it is has not been reported stolen, has not expired, and is listed to the same address that the customer has given.

(3)When a chargeback occurs, merchant will end up paying the charge to the issuing bank, in addition to a chargeback fee that can be as high as $30 or more.

(4)The Office.net introduces lots of new features including collaboration features, speech recognition features, smart tagging and native XML support, close integration with Hotmail and MSN, tools for creating and working with Web components, and more.