
第34章 Software Engineering(4)

One important feature of top-down design is that at each level the detail of the design at lower levels is hidden. Only the necessary data and control that must be passed back and forth over the interfaces are defined. Furthermore, if a data structure is contained wholly within a lower level module, it need not be specified until that level be reached in the design process. However, if several modules at some level must share data, then the data structure must be chosen before progressing to a lower level. The design will include both the data structure and the means of data access for each module involved.

The bottom-up design starts with analysis of specifications of the key parts, so the feasibility of the design is tested at the early stage. If the design is not feasible under the given specifications and constraints, the requirements are changed and the design proceeds without the danger of incompatible and unrealizable specifications undiscovered until late in the design process. But in bottom-up design, each module is coded as soon as its design is fixed, in contrast with the top-down process.

It is not uncommon to have mixture of top-down and bottom-up design and coding used in a project. It is a good idea to have a top-down design and bottom-up coding, and vice versa.

The structured programming philosophy aims to provide a well-defined, well-formulated and ****** approach to program design. Structured programming requires the use of single-entry and single-exit control structures. The classical technique used to implement these principles is to restrict all control constructs to one of the three statements.

The advantages of structured programming are obvious:

(1) Clarity—structured programs generally have clarity and logical pattern to their control structure which is a tremendous advantage throughout the design process.

(2) Productivity—programmers who use structured techniques show a significant increase in instructions coded per man-hour of work. Similar advantages are claimed for the test phase.

(3) Fixed style—structured programming tends to limit the coding to a few straightforward design approaches. This aids the designer's associates and successors in understanding the design.

(4) Maintenance—the clarity and modularity of a structured design is of great help in localizing an error and redesigning the offending section of code.

(5)Redesign—most large software products are subject to occasional redesign (often called enhancement). The clarity and modularity of structured design maximize the amount of code, which can be reused.







n. 分解,腐烂


vt. 加工,处理


n. 模数,模块


adj. 正直的,坦率的,简单的


adj. 隐藏的


adv. 此外,而且


adv. 整个,统统,全部


n. 详述,规格,说明书


n. 译码


n. 恶习,恶行,罪恶,缺点


n. 哲学,哲学体系,冷静


n. 清楚,透明,明确性


n. 维护,保持,可维护性


adj. 偶然的,临时的,非经常的


n. 模块性

structure programming
















【Reading Material】

Classic Testing Mistakes

When testing, you must decide how to exercise the program, and then do it. The doing is ever so much more interesting than the deciding. A tester's itch to start breaking the program is as strong as a programmer's itch to start writing code -- and it has the same effect: design work is skimped, and quality suffers. Paying more attention to running tests than to designing them is a classic mistake. A tester who is not systematic, who does not spend time laying out the possibilities in advance, will overlook special cases. They may be the same subtle ones that the programmers overlooked.

Concentration on execution also results in un-reviewed test designs. Just like programmers, testers can benefit from a second pair of eyes. Reviews of test designs needn't be as elaborate as product design reviews, but a short check of the testing approach and the resulting tests can find significant omissions at low cost.

What is a test design?

A test design should contain a description of the setup, inputs given to the product, and a description of expected results. One common mistake is being too specific about test inputs and procedures.

Suppose you're testing a banking application. Here are two possible test designs:

Design 1

Setup: initialize the balance in account 12 with $100.


Start the program.

Type 12 in theAccount window.

Press OK.

Click on the 'Withdraw' toolbar button.

In the popup dialog, click on the “all'” button.

Press OK.

Expect to see a confirmation popup that says "You are about to withdraw all the money from this account. Continue?"

Press OK.

Expect to see a 0 balance in the account window.