In earlier times,by which name our aunt used to designatedesignate vt.指明,指出,任命,指派v.指定,指派 thirty years ago,she and the beforementioned Herr Sivertsen had been younger. At that time he had already been connected with the machinery,and was,as she said,her benefactor. It used to be the custom in those days that in the evening performances in the only theatre the town possessed,spectators were admitted to the part called the “flies,” over the stage,and every machinist had one or two places to give away. Often the flies were quite full of good company,it was said that generals wives and privy councillors wives had been up there. It was quite interesting to look down behind the scenes,and to see how the people walked to and fro on the stage when the curtain was down.
Our aunt had been there several times,as well when there was a tragedy as when there was a ballet,for the pieces in which there were the greatest number of characters on the stage were the most interesting to see from the flies. One sat pretty much in the dark up there,and most people took their supper up with them. Once three apples and a great piece of bread and butter and sausagesausage n.香肠,腊肠 fell down right into the dungeondungeon n.地牢 of Ugolino,where that unhappy man was to be starvedstarve vt.使饿死vi.饿得要死 to death; and there was great laughter among the audience. The sausage was one of the weightiest reasons why the worthy management refused in future to have any spectators up in the flies.
“But I was there sevenandthirty times,” said our aunt,“and I shall always remember Mr. Sivertsen for that.”
“不过我到那上面去过三十七次,”姑妈说,“西凡尔生先生,我永远也不能忘记这件事。” On the very last evening when the flies were still open to the public,the “Judgment of Solomon” was performed,as our aunt remembered very well. She had,through the influence of her benefactorbenefactor n.恩人,捐助者,赠送者,赞助人,Herr Sivertsen,procured a free admission for the Agent Fabs,although he did not deserve it in the least,for he was always cutting his jokes about the theatre and teasingtease vt.取笑,逗恼,奚落,欺负,嘲弄,取笑,强求n.揶揄,戏弄,逗惹 our aunt. but she had procured him a free admissionadmission n.允许进入,承认某事之陈述,供认 to the flies,for all that. He wanted to look at this playerstuff from the other side.
“Those were his own words,and they were just like him.” said our aunt.
姑妈说:“这个词儿是他亲嘴说出来的——真是能代表他的特性。” He looked down from above on the “Judgment of Solomon”,and fell asleep over it. One would have thought that he had come from a dinner where many toasts had been given. He went to sleep,and was locked in. And there he sat through the dark night in the flies,and when he woke,he told a story,but our aunt would not believe it.
“The ‘Judgment of Solomon’ was over,” he said,“and all the people had gone away,up stairs and down stairs; but now the real play began,the afterpiece,which was the best of all.” said the agent. “Then life came into the affair. It was not the ‘Judgment of Solomon’ that was performed,no,a real court of judgment was held upon the stage.” And Agent Fabs had the impudenceimpudence n.轻率,厚颜无耻 to try and make our aunt believe all this. That was the thanks she got for having got him a place in the flies.
What did the agent say? Why,it was curious enough to hear,but there was malicemalice n.恶意,怨恨,预谋,蓄意犯罪 and satiresatire n.讽刺文学,讽刺 in it.
“It looked dark enough up there,” said the agent,“but then the magic business began—a great performance,‘The Judgment in the Theatre.’ The boxkeepers were at their posts,and every spectator had to show his ghostlyghostly adj.可怕的 passbook,that it might be decided if he was to be admitted with hands loose or bound,and with or without a muzzle. Grand people who came too late,when the performance had begun,and young people,who could not always watch the time,were tied up outside,and had list slippers put on their feet,with which they were allowed to go in before the beginning of the next act,and they had muzzlesmuzzle n.动物之鼻口,(动物的)口套vt.戴口络于,上口罩 too. And then the ‘Judgment on the Stage’ began.”
“All malice,and not a bit of truth in it!” said our aunt.