
第6章 E


n. annual Christian festival, that occurs on a Sunday in March or April, and celebrates the resurrection of Christ after the crucifixion 复活节


adj.&; n. unusual, rather strange 古怪的(人),怪僻的(人) (of circles)not have the same centre 偏心(圆)

an eccentric person 古怪的人/eccentric clothes 奇装异服/eccentric appearance 奇怪的外表/eccentric habits 古怪的习惯/eccentric behaviour 怪癖行为/the behavior of an eccentric 古怪人的行为

If you go to the palace in tennis shoes, they will think you are eccentric.



n. blocking of the light of the sun or of the moon 日食;月食v. cause an eclipse of sth.(日、月、行星等)形成(某种)食;使某物的光消失

a lunar eclipse 月食/a solar eclipse 日食/a total eclipse 全食/in eclipse (日、月)食;失去光彩,失势/eclipse a light 掩蔽了光/eclipse someone else s achievement 使他人的成就失色

It is said that there will be a total eclipse of the sun today.



n. the relation of plants and living creatures to each other and to their surroundings 生态;生态学

the ecology movement 生态保护运动/animal ecology 动物生态学/applied ecology 应用生态学/global ecology 全球生态学/marine ecology 海洋生态学/plant ecology 植物生态学/urban ecology 城市生态学

So far, farmers have been able to compensate for the loss of fertile topsoil by applying more chemical fertilizers to their fields; however, while this practice has increased crop yields, it has been devastating for ecology.



adj. fit to be eaten 适宜食用的;可以吃的

edible oil 食用油/edible staple 食品

Are these berries edible or are they poisonous?



v. prepare (a piece of writing, often another person s) for publication 编辑;主编;剪辑


v. train the mind and character of sb. 训练某人的思想和性格;教育

Some teachers teach but fail to editorial their students.



n. individual s perception or experience of himself, esp in relation to other people or to the outside world; part of the mind that can think, feel and act 自我selfesteem 自尊;自负

develop one s ego 发展自我/feed sb. s ego 使某人的自尊得到满足/perfect the moral ego 进行道德上的自我完善/injure sb. s ego 伤害某人的自尊心/an wound ego 自尊心的创伤/satisfy sb. s ego 满足某人的自尊/absolute ego 绝对自我/have enormous ego 非常自负

They both have enormous egos and tremendous ambition.



vt. to throw out with force 抛出,排出 to compel sb. to leave a place 驱逐,逐出(from) n. to send out liquid, etc. 驱逐,喷出

eject...from...把……驱逐出……/eject from 从(内部)喷出

The volcano ejected lava and ashes when it erupted.



vi. to pass away (时间的)过去,消逝

elapse的同义词(语)是pass和pass by。但elapse属正式用语,而且主语只可能是时间或与时间概念有关的说法。


elapse 是正式用词,只用于时间的过去和消逝; pass 一般用词,用于人、动物、车船、时间等通过或过去,也用于考试、检查、议案等的通过。如:Before he went back to college, ten years had elapsed. 隔了10年后,他重上大学。如:She told me that I had passed. 她告诉我,我考试通过了。

Many years had elapsed before they returned to their original urban areas. 许多年后,他们才回到故乡的城市。(2002年6月阅读理解)


n. joint where the arm bends 肘;肘部v. push sb.to one side with the elbows 用肘部将某人推到一边

at one s elbow 非常近;可够得着 give sb./get the elbow (使某人)被排斥或被拒绝 elbow sb./out of the way/aside 用肘部将某人推到一边

He tried to elbow his way through the crowd.



adj. rather old (指人)相当老的;过了中年的;上了年纪的

While pensioners, particularly elderly women, make up a large proportion of those living alone, the newest crop of singles are high earners in their 30s and 40s who increasingly view living alone as a lifestyle choice.



n. person whose job is to install, operate, repair, etc. electrical equipment 电工


n. branch of science and technology that deals with the behaviour of electrons 电子学

“Most consumers are unaware they re not supposed to throw computers in the trash”, said Roxanne Gould, vice president of government relations for the electronics association.

负责电子协会的政府关系副部长 Roxanne Gould 说:“大多数消费者没有意识到他们不应该把计算机扔到垃圾堆中。(2005年1月阅读理解)


a. having the qualities of grace, beauty and fashion 优美的,文雅的,讲究的 neat and simple 简练的,简洁的


与elaborate相比, elegant含有赞赏的语气,而elaborate指通过辛苦的操劳和思考将事情做好。如:Elaborate costume balls bored the elegant young man silly.煞费苦心的化装舞会使这个文雅的年轻人厌烦透顶。如:Our elaborate plan is as follows.以下是我们精心制定的计划。

books with elegant bindings 装帧精致的书/an elegant room 雅致的房间

The mother, an elegant lady dressed in the lates fashion, walked behind her sons.



v. lift sb./sth. up 将某人/某物举起;将某人/某物提到更高的地位

elevate one s voice 提高嗓音/elevate one s eyes 抬起双眼/elevate oneself above others 使自己凌驾于别人之上/elevate a bucket by a rope 用绳子吊起水桶/elevated highway 高架公路/be elevated to a higher rank 晋级/elevate the mind 提高思想修养/elevate the living standards 提高生活水平


vt. to draw out 引起,使发出 to cause a response to happen by saying or doing sth. 使透露,诱出

elicit the truth from a witness 从证人处得到真相/elicit a laugh from sb. 逗人发笑

Although some observers have suggested that crying is a way to elicit assistance from others (as a crying baby might from its mother), the shedding of tears is hardly necessary to get help.


He elicited the truth at last by questioning all the boys in the school.



adj. qualified or entitle to be chosen 符合条件的,合格的

be eligible for 适合被选的

The old man is eligible for a pension.



n. the best or most important people in a social group because of the power (总称)上层人士,掌权者 talent, privileges, etc. (总称)精英,出类拔萃的人(集团)


the elite of society 社会名流/be of the elite有极高的社会地位/a small intellectual elite 少数几位知识分子精英/the scientific elite 科学界的杰出人物/the elite of coffee 上品咖啡


adj. (of a person or speech) able to express ideas and opinions well 口才流利的,善辩的 so that the hears are influenced 雄辩的,有说服力的

eloquent可以修饰人。如:an eloquent spokesman(能言善辩的发言人);也可以修饰物。如:an eloquent speech(雄辩的讲演)。

an eloquent speech 雄辩的演讲/an eloquent spokesman 能言善辩的发言人/an eloquent glance 意味深长的一瞥/be eloquent of 充分表明……/be eloquent upon the necessity of... 对……的必要性进行滔滔不绝的论述

Eloquent speakers always base their speeches on sound facts.



v. go or be taken on board a ship or an aircraft (使某人/某物)乘船;上船;登机

embark for home by the steamer 乘船回家/embark on a boat 登上一条小船/embark on a new scheme 着手一项新计划/embark on a project 执行某一计划/embark on a war 发动战争/embark on the policy of economic development 开始执行经济发展政策

I should think twice before I embarked on such a hazardous project as that.



n. ambassador and his staff大使及其官员;大使馆


vt. to fix firmly in a surrounding mass 把……嵌入 to fix firmly in one s mind 使深留脑中

常用被动语态,后与in, with连用。

be embedded in one s mind/memory/impressions 深深地印在某人的心/记忆/印象中

He had an operation to remove a nail embedded in his chest.



vt. (of works, writings, etc.) to express 体现,使具体化 to contain or include 括,包含

embody principles in action 用行动来体现原则

This saying often attributed to the late duchess (公爵夫人) of Windsor embodies much of the odd spirit of our times.


Parts of the old treaty are embodied in the new one.



adj. (of knowledge) based on observation or experiment, not on theory (指知识)以观察或实验为根据的(非理论的)

empirical knowledge 从实际经验得来的知识/a empirical method 经验主义方法


n. the act of enclosing 圈地,围场 an area of land that is surrounded by a wall or fence (信中的)附件,装入物 sth. that is put in with a letter 围绕


attachment和enclosure都有“附件”意思,都指书信的附件,后者使用普遍。但 attachment含义和使用广泛,可指协定、合同、书信等所附的文件,还可指机器设备的附属装置,与 accessory 同义。 enclosure只指随书信的附件。如:The bell is an attachment to the bike. 铃铛是自行车的附属装置。如:We re very happy to receive your litter together with the enclosure regarding your latest catalogue and prices. 收到贵方来信及有关贵方最新产品目录和价目表的附件,深感欣慰。


attachment和affection可表示“爱慕”。前者可指人,也可指物,后者表示更深一层的感情成分,只指人。如:We have a strong attachment to every tree and bush in Yenan. 我们对延安的一草一木都有深厚的感情。如:She becomes the object of Tom s affections. 她成了汤姆钟爱的对象。

an enclosure for animals 动物的围栏/a barbedwire enclosure 铁丝网围栏/a walled enclosure 四周有墙的围地/an enclosure in an envelope 信封里的附件/money for enclosure 随寄的钱款

Hundreds of chickens are raised in the enclosure.



n. a conscientious or concerted effort toward an end;an earnest attempt 努力,尽力vi. try 尽力,努力

所表示的努力程度比try,attempt都高,但普通,而attempt常含有作了努力但不成功的意思。如:endeavour to find the survivors of the air crash(尽最大努力去寻找空难的幸存者);try to find a solution(努力找到解答);attempt to reach him by mail(试图写信找到他)。作动词时后多接动词不定式,如:I ll endeavor to pay the bill as soon as possible.(我将想办法尽早付清账单。)

endeavor to 努力,尽力/do one s endeavour 竭力去做/make every endeavour to do 尽量去做/an endeavour at doing sth. 做某事的努力

I ve never met a human worth cloning, It s a stupid endeavor.


They endeavored to pass the examination but failed.



v. give money, property, etc. to a regular income for a school or a college (经常性)资助;捐助(学校等)

endow a hospital 向一所医院捐赠基金/be endowed with... 赋有……/be endowed with genius 有天赋/a man endowed by nature with an inventive mind 具有发明天才的人/be well endowed with intelligence 天资聪颖

Nature has endowed her with beauty and intelligence.



n. the state or power of bearing pain, suffering, stress, etc. 忍耐(力),持久(力),耐久(性),耐用度


patience 指不急躁地忍耐。如:Patience wears out stones.只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。 perseverance 指不拘失败继续努力的耐心。如:The history of the exploration of Antarctica is full of tales of perseverance and suffering.南极考察的历史充满了坚忍不拔和痛苦的故事。 endurance 指持久地忍耐,持久力。如:The runner has great endurance.那个赛跑运动员的耐力很好。

beyond (past) endurance 忍无可忍/endurance test 耐力试验

His mad behavior drives me beyond endurance.



full of or done with energy 精力充沛的;充满活力的

an energetic person 精力充沛的人/an energetic tennis player 精力旺盛的网球运动员/an energetic game 剧烈的运动/be energetic to the utmost 精力极为旺盛

I tried aerobics but it was too energetic for me.



n. agreement to marry 订婚 arrangement to go somewhere, meet sb. or do sth. at a fixed time; appointment 约会 formal promise or guarantee, esp in writing 正式的承诺或保证

He cancelled all the engagements on the ground that he needed more rest.



v. make (sb./sth.) look better 增强(某人/某物的优点);使某人/某物看起来更好;提高

In his experiments night vision was enhanced by an even greater factor: in semidarkness, test subjects could see up to 15 times better than without the lenses.

在他的实验中,夜视能力甚至有了更大的提高:在半黑暗的状态下,受试者的视力比没戴眼镜时提高了 15 倍。(2003年6月阅读理解)

It no longer makes sense to treat the elderly as a single group whose economic needs deserve priority over those of others.Senior citizen discounts only enhance the myth that older people can t take care of themselves and need special treatment; and they threaten the creation of a new myth, that the elderly are ungrateful and taking for themselves at the expense of children and other age groups.



v. to cause to understand; free from false beliefs 启发,启蒙,教导

enlighten sb.on sth.作“就某事指导某人”解。如:Can you enlighten me on this subject?(关于这一题目,你能指点我一番吗?)

The child thought the world was flat until I enlightened him.



vt. to make rich 充实,使丰富 to improve by adding sth. 使富裕

后常接by, with, through,表示“以(用)……丰富”。

enrich the mind with knowledge 以知识充实心智/enrich soil with manure 用肥料肥沃土壤/enrich the peasants 使农民富裕起来/enrich one s cultural life 丰富文化生活/enrich the English language 丰富了英语

The expanding economy enriched the peasants.



v. to make (oneself or another person) officially a member of a group, school, etc. 招收; 登记; 入学

enroll sb. as + 成员,身份等/enroll workers 招工/enroll students 招生/enroll one s name 把名字登记下来

A 1994 World Bank report concluded that enrolling girls in school was probably the single most effective antipoverty policy in the developing world today.


She decided to enroll in the history course.



vi. to follow as a consequence or result 跟着发生,继起

ensue from 结果产生/over the ensuing years 在其后的岁月中

A hand grenade exploded by accident and I got lost in the ensuing confusion.



v. make (sth) necessary; involve 使(某事物)必要;牵涉

entail great expense on sb. 使某人承担大笔费用/entail inconvenience on sb. 给某人带来不便/entail a lot of work 需要做大量的工作/a situation which entails considerable risks 会有很大风险的情况

This job entail a lot of hard work.


That will entail an early start tomorrow morning.



n. a plan, esp. to do something new of difficult; the courage that is needed to do something daring or difficult 事业,企事业单位,事业感,进取心

Most government, perhaps all governments, justify public expenditure on scientific research in terms of the economic benefits the scientific enterprise has brought in the past and will bring in the future.



n. entertaining or being entertained 宴客;招待;款待;娱乐

the entertainment of a group of foreign visitors 宴请一批外宾

He fell in the water, much to the entertainment of the children.


The local entertainments are listed in the newspaper.


Movies, television and video games are full of gunplay and bloodshed, and one might reasonably ask what s wrong with a society that presents videos of domestic violence as entertainment.



adj. full of enthusiasm 热情的;热心的

an enthusiastic supporter 热情的支持者/be enthusiastic about... 对……热情,对……热心/be enthusiastic for... 热心(想得到)/be enthusiastic in work 工作热心

He doesn t know much about the subject, but he s very enthusiastic.


She s very enthusiastic about singing.



n. the quality of having a single separate and independent existence 实体,实际存在物

The Radley Place was inhabited by an unknown entity.



n. person who starts or organizes a commercial enterprise 企业家(指涉及财务风险的)


v. picture in the mind as a future possibility 展望,想像

envisage strike action 打算采取罢工行动/envisage sb. as a sincere young man 认为某人是个诚实的年轻人/envisage an right future 设想一个光明的未来

He envisaged a time when soldiers who are wounded fighting overseas are put in mobile surgical units equipped with computers.


When do you envisage being able to finish the experiment?



n. /adj. (disease) spreading quickly among many people in the same place for a time 流行性的,流行病


n. a period of time in history, life, etc. marked by special events or characteristics 时期,时代

epoch, ear, age, period

epoch 指发生重大事件或巨大变化的时期,有时指一个新时代的起点; era 与 epoch同义,但只能指某个时期的整个历程,不能指一个时代的起点; age 指具有某种显著特征,或以某杰出人物命名的历史时代,有时指考古学或地质学上的时代; period 为一般用词,指历史上一段时间,特别是混乱分裂年代,也指时间可长可短的时期。如:The discovery of America by Columbus was epochmaking. 哥伦布发现美洲具有划时代的意义。如:The era of space travel has begun. 宇航时代已经开始。如:The history of human being began from the stone Age. 人类历史从石器时代开始。如:There were long periods when we had no news of him. 我们很久没有得到他的消息了。

mark an epoch标志着一个新纪元/begin an epoch 开创一个新纪元/usher in a new epoch 迎来新纪元/make an epoch in science 开辟科学新时代/ancient epochs 远古时代/a peaceful epoch 和平时期

An examination of the history of humanity suggested that man in our epoch is so different from man in previous times that it seemed unrealistic to assume that men in every age have had in common something that can be called “human nature.”


His college years were a happy epoch in his life.



n. imaginary line around the earth at an equal distance from the North and South Poles 赤道


n. state of being balanced 平衡;均势 balanced state of mind, feelings, etc (心情、感情等)平静

He can t maintain enough equilibrium to ride a bike.


She lost her usual equilibrium and shouted at him angrily.



n. process of eroding or being eroded 侵蚀;腐蚀

coast erosion by the sea 海水对海岸的侵蚀/the slow erosion of royal power 王室权利的逐渐减弱/wind erosion 风蚀/water erosion 水蚀/erosion of real earnings by inflation 通货膨胀使得实际收入减少

The president was facing a very significant erosion of public support.



adj. incorrect 不正确的;错误的

erroneous impression 错误印象/erroneous assumption 错误的假设/erroneous idea 错误思想/erroneous doctrine 错误学说/be glaringly erroneous 大错特错

No erroneous ideas should be allowed to spread unchecked.



vi. break out, to happen suddenly (火山、感情、战争等)爆发,喷发

erupt into 爆发成

The building suddenly erupted in fire.



vt. to go with someone as an escort 护卫,护送 n. a person or people who go with another as a guard or as a companion 护送(者),护卫(者)

under the escort of 在……的护送之下/conduct escort operation 护航

He offered to be her escort to the dance.



n. that which makes a thing what it is 本质;精髓;要素;精华

meat essence 肉汁/the essence of morality 道德的精髓/the essence of a problem 问题的实质/the essence of someone s personality 某人的本性

The essence of the scientific attitude is that the human mind can succeed in understanding the universe.


Senior citizen discounts are the essence of the very thing older Americans are fighting against— discrimination by age.



n. area of land, esp. in the country, with one owner 地产;(尤指)庄园

estate agent 房地产经纪人


adj. going on forever 永恒的,永久的; 无休止的

eternal表示“无始无终的永恒”。如:eternal truths(永恒的真理);eternal principles(永恒的原则)。而everlasting强调“一旦产生后永无止境的永恒和继续”。如:everlasting peace and friendship(永久的和平与友谊)。


eternal 是既无开始又无终结,永远不变的,强调时间上的永恒性。如:Does the Christian religion promise eternal life?基督教许诺永生吗? everlasting 是指不会停止地继续下去。如:Stop your everlasting boasting.停止你那没完没了的吹牛。

eternal life 永生/eternal triangle 三角恋爱/the secret of eternal youth 永葆青春的秘诀/eternal truth 永恒的真理/eternal principle 永存的原则/eternal rest 长眠/eternal punishment 永世的惩罚/eternal argument 无休止的争论

The eternal cycle of life and death is a subject of interest to scientists and philosophers alike.


Since a circle has no beginning or end, the wedding ring is accepted as symbol of

eternal love.



n. science that deals with morals 伦理学 moral correctness 道德规范

Ethics is a branch of philosophy.


The ethics of his decision are doubtful.


Medical ethics forbid a doctor to have a love affair with a patient.


Etzioni was a respected ethics expert when he arrived at Harvard.



adj. of a national, racial or tribal group that has a common cultural tradition 民族的;种族的;部落的

ethnic music 民族音乐/ethnic dresses 民族服装/ethnic conflicts 种族冲突/an ethnic dance 原始舞蹈/ethnic purity 种族纯化/ethnic minority 少数民族/ethnic origin 种族/ethnic cleansing 种族清洗

It was alleged that this statesman commanded a rebel group during last year s ethnic conflict.



vt. to bring to mind a feeling, memory, etc; to produce a reaction 唤起,引起,使人想起

evoke a strong response 引起强烈的反响

This place evokes memories of my happy childhood.



adj. very unusual; outstanding 异常的;罕见的;特殊的;杰出的;突出的

an exceptional pupil 优秀的学生/exceptional advantage 特别的有利条件/exceptional skill 卓越的技巧/an exceptional opportunity 极好的机会

This weather is exceptional for June.


He showed exceptional musical ability.



adj. reserved for or limited to the person(s) or group concerned 独有的;独占的

exclusive of 不包括

The real estate agent has the exclusive right to sell the house.



n. carrying out or performance of a piece of work, plan, design, duty, etc 执行;实行;履行;完成 action of carrying out the orders of a will 对遗嘱条款的执行

execution by hanging 绞刑处死/carry out execution执行死刑/the execution of a criminal 对罪犯的处决/suspend execution 暂停执行,暂缓处死/compulsory execution 强制执行/excution of obligation 义务的履行/ marvelous execution 精湛的表演

His original idea was good, but his execution of the scheme as disastrous.


The plans were finally put into execution.


The solicitor is proceeding with the execution of my mother s will.



v. be a typical example of (sth.) 是(某事物)的典型;举例说明

a poem that exemplified the life of that time 一首反映那个时代生活的诗


vt. freed from a duty, service, payment, etc.; to make sb. or sth. exempt 免除,豁免

exempt不论作动词还是形容词,都常与介词from连用。exempt sb.from...的用法强调动作。如:exempt sb.from a duty (an obligation,a responsibility)(免除某人的职责/义务/责任);be exempt from的用法强调状态。如:These houses are exempt from paying rates.(这些房子是免税的。)

exempt sb.from 免除某人/be exempt from 被免除……


vt. to send sb. into exile 流放,流亡,放逐 n. being sent away from one s country or home, esp. as a punishment 流放/亡(者),被放逐者

an exile of fifteen years 十五年流放生活/send sb. into exile 流放某人/in exile 被流放/exile sb.from.../to... 流放某人

They exiled Napoleon to the island of St. Helena.



adj. introduced from another country 由外国引进的;非本地的

an exotic plant (从国外)引进的植物/an exotic word 外来词/exotic food 外来食品/exotic manners 奇异的习俗/exotic clothes 奇异的服饰/exotic birds 奇异的鸟/an exotic tropical island 有异国情调的热带岛屿/exotic places 有异国情调的地方

Young people are logging on to exotic food websites and ordering samples of prepared insects to service as their dinner parties.


There are countless exotic flowers at the flower show.


Will space be an exotic retreat reserved for only the wealthy?



n. organized journey or voyage with a particular aim 远行;探险;考察

command an expedition 率领一支探险队/dispatch an expedition 派遣一支远征队/form a small expedition 组成一支小型考察队/make an expedition to the North Pole 去北极探险

I would like to join the expedition which is going to explore the moon.



vt. to force sb. to leave (正式)开除,除名,逐出,放逐 to force out 排出

expel the enemy from a town 将敌人逐出城/expel a boy from school 开除一男生/expel a foreign diplomat on grounds of being a spy 以从事间谍活动为理由驱逐一名外交官

The treasurer was expelled from the club for breaking the rules.


We ve just installed a fan to expel cooking smells from the kitchen.



vt. to spend or use 花费,消费 esp. time, care, etc. 用光,耗尽

spend, expend

spend 普通用词,指为某种目的而花费金钱、时间或精力等。如:Large sums were expended on agriculture.大批钱花在农业上。 expend 正式用词,语气较强,指为某事或有价值的目的而消耗大量金钱或精力,但在娱乐上的花费不用expend。表示“花钱”,spend 较常用。如:He spent all his savings on a new car.他将全部积蓄花在一辆新车上。

to expend time on(upon) sth.(in doing sth.) 花费时间做某事/expend sth.on sth./in sth./doing sth.把(时间、钱、精力等)花在……上

I have expended much time and thought on the problem, but am no nearer to finding a solution.



n. action of spending or using 花费;使用 amount (esp of money) spent ( 尤指金钱的)支出额

the expenditure of money on weapons 购置武器的开支/expenditure of energy on a project 在一项目上耗费的精力/an expenditure of £500 on new furniture 购买新家具的500 英镑开销

Whether you live to eat or eat to live, food is a major expenditure in every family s budget.


Limit your expenditure to what is essential.



n. expert knowledge or skill, esp in a particular field 专门知识或技能(尤指在某一领域)

technical expertise 技术知识,技术专长/expertise in the economic and industrial matters 在经济和工业事务方面的专门知识/a country s expertise within the nuclear and rocket propulsion field 一国在核和火箭发射领域的技术

I doubt his professional expertise.


Customers will be impressed by the expertise of our highly trained employees.


We were amazed at his expertise on the ski slopes.



v. come to an end 结束;不再使用;期满;终止

a driving licence that has expired 过期的驾驶执照/expire calmly 平静地死去/expire peacefully 安详地死去/expire in agony 痛苦地死去

My drivinglicence will expire next month.



adj. clearly and fully expressed 明确而详细的;直率的;毫不含蓄的

explicit directions 明确的指示/explicit criticism明确的批评/issue an explicit warning 发出明确的警告/be explicit in one s statement 陈述直率/be explicit about political affairs 对政治问题态度十分明朗

The lease is explicit in saying the rent must be paid by the 10th of every month.

租赁合同上写得明明白白,房租必须每月 10 号前交付。


n. an act of explaining and making clear 阐述,解说 an exhibition of goods 展览会,展示会,博览会


exposition 指展览会、博览会,为货品等的展览,如 an industrial exposition 工业展览会。exposition 与 explanation 均有“说明,解说,阐说”的意思。exposition 指对一个论据、提议、理论或类似的东西给出长篇的、详细的、带有学术性的说明或阐述。如:A theoretical physicist published an exposition of his ideas in a scientific monograph.一位理论物理学家在一部科学专著里发表了他的理论解释。 explanation 为常用词,指对于思想、言语、行动或活动的解释。如:He said nothing in explanation of his conduct.他没有为自己的行为进行解释。

an industrial/art exposition 工业/美术展览会

The teacher gave a full exposition of the theory.



adj. extremely beautiful 优美地;精致地n. exquisiteness 优美;精致

a piece of exquisite lace 一条精致的花边/exquisite taste 高雅的情趣/exquisite sensibility 细腻的感情/an exquisite ear for music 对音乐有高度鉴赏力/exquisite happiness 极大的幸福/exquisite pain 剧痛/exquisite stupidity极度的愚蠢

The hostess was wearing an exquisite pearl necklace.



adj. no longer in existence 不再存在的;绝种的;(火山)死的

become extinct 灭绝/an extinct species 已经灭绝的物种/an extinct volcano 死火山/an extinct cigarette 熄灭的香烟/extinct laws and customs 已失效的法令和惯例/a fashion long extinct 早已不流行的式样/extinct customs 失传的风俗习惯

Herbalism has become an all but extinct skill in the western world.



vt. to put out 扑灭,熄灭 to end the existence of love, passion, hope, etc. 使消亡,使破灭

extinguish a cigarette/candle 熄灭香烟/蜡烛

Hope for his safe arrival was slowly extinguished.



v. take or get sth. out 拔出;取出;强索;压出;榨出;摘录n. substance that has been extracted 榨出物;精;汁;摘录;选曲


extract juice from fruit 榨取果汁

How did you extract the information from him?



adj. using or spending too much 奢侈的,浪费的


be extravagant in one s way of living 生活奢侈/an extravagant price 过高的价格/hold extravagant hopes for the future 对未来抱有奢望

Executives of the company enjoyed an extravagant lifestyle of free gifts, fine wines and high salaries.
