
第15章 宾馆住宿


I’d like to book a room.我想预订房间。


Let me check the booking system.让我查查预订系统。

Let me check the computer. Let’s see…稍等,我在电脑上查一下……

I will have to take some details from your passport.我需要从您的护照中获得一些详细资料。


What kind of room would you like您要订什么样的客房?

How many rooms would you like to book你想预订多少个房间?

I want a quiet room.我需要一个安静的房间。

How much is the room, please请问房价是多少?

How long do you intend to stay您打算住多久?

Do you have a room available for tonight你们今晚有空房吗?

available for可用于……的

Do you have a single room你们有单人间吗?

single room单人房,单人间

Do you have any rooms available你们还有空房间吗?


Please fill in this registration form.请填好这张登记表格。

fill in填写

Could you fill out the registration, please请填写一下住宿登记卡,好吗?

fill out填写

How would you like to settle your bill您将如何付款呢?


Have an enjoyable stay.祝您住得愉快!

I’d like to check in.我想办理住宿登记手续。

check in报到,登记

Is hot water available any time任何时间都有热水吗?

Do you have a bigger room你们有没有更大的房间?

I’m staying at least a week.我至少将住一周。

Where do I sign我要签在哪里?

Where can I check in在哪儿办理登记手续?

My friend booked a room for me.我朋友替我订了一间房。


Can I rent a safety deposit box我可以租用保险箱吗?

deposit box保管箱

Would you like to deposit something您要存放什么吗?

Would you please deposit your bag at our checkroom请到寄存处寄存您的包,好吗?

Please take care of your valuables.请保管好随身物品!

Please put your articles in this box and seal it.请将物品放进这个箱子里密封。

There’s a safety deposit box at the Front Desk.前台有一个存放贵重物品的保险箱。

You can leave baggage without the help of a clerk.您可以留下行李且不需服务员照管。

Can I deposit valuables here请问可以在这里存放贵重物品吗?


I would like to rent a safety-box.我想租一个保险箱。

I’m afraid we can’t accept perishable goods.我们这里恐怕不能受理易腐烂的物品。

perishable good易腐物品


Could you come back in two hours你能不能2小时再来整理?

come back回来

Housekeeping. May I come in收拾房间了,可以进来吗?

May I do the turn-down service for you now现在可以为您收拾房间了吗?

I will make up your room.我来收拾你们的房间。

make up整理

Please bring us a bottle of just boiled water.请给我们带瓶刚烧开的水来。

Your room is clean now.您的房间已经清理好了。

May I clean your room now, madam我现在可以收拾房间吗,夫人?

You can do it now, if you like.如果愿意,现在就可以整理。

Could you tidy up the bathroom请收拾一下浴室好吗?

tidy up收拾,整理


Would you please fill in the laundry slip请您填一下这张洗衣单,好吗?


The laundryman is here to collect it.洗衣房服务员来这儿收要洗的衣服了。


Excuse me. Have you any laundry打扰一下,请问有没有要洗的衣服?

When can I have my laundry back我何时能取回洗的衣服呢?

What if there is any laundry damage如果你们洗衣时损坏了衣服怎么办?


I’m afraid it’s too late for today’s laundry.恐怕已经过了今天的洗衣时间了。

Is a laundry service available有洗衣服务吗?

Do you have a laundry service for clothes你们有洗衣服务吗?

laundry service洗衣服务

We have a laundry service in the hotel.我们旅馆有洗衣服务。

Is this for washing这是要清洗的吗?

Will you send these clothes to the laundry请把这些衣服送到洗衣服务部,好吗?

What’s your laundry rates洗衣服务怎么收费?


Is this the Maintenance Department这是维修部吗?

The heater is not working.热水器坏了。

The TV in my room doesn’t work.我房间里的电视坏了。

I’m sorry. May I have a look at it很抱歉。我可以看看吗?

We’ll send someone to repair it immediately.我们会马上派人来修的。


Please wait just a few minutes.请稍等几分钟。

What’s the trouble哪儿坏了?

I’m afraid there’s something wrong with the air-conditioner.空调好像有些毛病。

It’s working now.修好了。

I’ll send someone right up to have a check.我马上就派人去看看。

I’ll send someone up to help you.我会派人上楼去帮助您。


Any messages for me有我的留言吗?

Do I have any messages有人给我留言吗?

May I take your message He is not in.他现在不在。我可以为你留言吗?

You have a message note here.这儿有您一个留言条。


We will inform him when he comes.他回来时我们会转告他。

I’m afraid we can only take ****** message.我们恐怕只能受理简单的留言。

I’m afraid we can only take the message for staying guests.我们恐怕只能给住店的旅客留言。

A madam left a message for you while you were out.您不在时一位女士留话给您了。

Could you read it for me请读给我听,好吗?

There was a phone call for you while you were out.您不在时有电话找您。

You had an urgent phone message about half an hour ago.半小时之前有您的一个紧急电话留言。



How can I get a wake-up call怎样请人早上叫醒我?

At what time shall we call you我们几点叫醒您呢?

I’d like to be woken up tomorrow morning.请明天早上叫醒我。

Tomorrow we’ll be out very early.明天我们一大早就要出去。

Please wake me up at 6 a.m.请在早上6点叫醒我。

A wake-up call at seven tomorrow morning, please.麻烦您明天早上7点叫醒我。

By phone or by knocking at the door用电话叫醒还是敲门叫醒?

knock at敲(门、窗等)

We will call you up by phone.我们会通过电话叫醒您。

Good morning, madam. This is your wake up call at six o’clock.早上好,女士,这是您6点钟的叫醒服务。

wake up call叫醒电话


The pillow cases are stained.枕头套是脏的。

pillow case枕头套

The bathtub is not clean.浴缸也不干净。

There is no toilet paper in the bathroom.浴室里没有厕纸。

Can you change the room for me It’s too noise.就能给我换个房间吗,太吵了。

I will look into the matter.我会调查此事的。

I will get you another one.我再去给您重端一份上来。

This bill is wrong.账单不对。

There is something wrong with the desk lamp.台灯有些毛病。

desk lamp桌灯,台灯

The light in this room is too dim.这个房间的灯光太暗了。

I’m not very pleased with my room.我很不满意我的房间。

The next door is too noise.隔壁太吵了。

The toilet doesn’t flush.抽水马桶坏了。


There is no hot water.这儿没热水。


Can I settle my bill now现在可以结账吗?

I’m ready to check out.我准备结账退房。

check out结账离开

Please show me the charges.请给我看费用明细。

Please show me all the bills I signed.请给我看所有我签的账单。

How do you like to pay your bill您想怎样付款?

What is your way of payment, please请问您用什么方式付账?

way of payment支付方式

Do you accept traveler’s checks你们收旅行支票吗?

Here is your receipt.这是您的收据。


Please have my luggage brought down.请把我的行李搬下去。

I didn’t make any call.我什么电话都没打。