
第63章 Unit 22(1)

Te xt A

Cur r ent Attitudes towar d Physical Fitness


Study of the Text

1.Recently we were told by a student that setting aside time for improving his physical fitness would be a total misuse of his working hours. 最近有个学生告诉我们说, 花时间健身简直就是对学习时间的浪费。

1 )setting aside time for improving his physical fitness 是动名词短语, 在宾语从句中作主语。

动名词在句中起名词作用, 可单独或引起短语用作主语, 表语, 宾语或介词的宾语。

Making friends with businessmen is no easy job.


My favourite sport is skating. 我最喜欢的运动是溜冰。

I suggest organizing a trip to the Great Wall.


Have you got used to living in the village?


2 )set aside 存蓄, 留下

Every morning we set aside half an hour for reading English aloud.


He tried to set aside a few dollars of his salary each week.


除“留出, 存蓄”这个含义外, set aside 还常用作“ 搁置, 放在一边”,“ 不理会, 不讲究”等含义。

Tom set aside the papers he was marking and reached for his cigarettes

and matches.

汤姆把正在批改的卷子搁置下来, 伸手去拿烟和火柴。

I warned them not to do it, but my objection was set a side.

我警告他们不要那样干, 但对我的反对他们根本不理会。

3 )hour 的复数形式, 意思是“ 工作、学习等的时间”。

The business hours are from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m.

营业时间从上午8 时到下午5 时。

What are the hours in your office?


2.He assured us that he would be no better served by a fitness program than by learning to play bridge.

他要我们相信, 健身活动并不比学打桥牌对他更有用。

1 )辨异: assure, ensure, v.

assure 的意思是“ 使确信, 使放心”,“ 向..保证”。而ensure 的意思是“ 保证, 担保”,“ 保护, 使安全”。当他们两个都作“ 保证”意义解时, 在结构上不同。比如: assure sb. of. 向某人保证..;assure sb. that.;而ensure 只能用于ensure sb. sth. , ensure sb. against sth. 和ensure sb. sth. , ensure sb. against sth. 和ensure that 从句结构。

He a ssured us of his ability to work. 他向我们保证他有工作能力。

I assure you that it is an education to visit it.


This medicine will ensure you a good night’s sleep.


Vaccinations ensure one against diseases. 注射疫苗能防止人患病。

We must ensure that the telegram arrives in time.


2 )serve 在这里是个及物动词, 意思是“ 符合;对..适用;对.. 有用”。

Make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China.

古为今用, 洋为中用。

The light dinner will serve me. 清淡的饭菜适合我。

3.This student has seen being physically fit as an end rather than the means we know it to be. 这位学生只把身体健康当做健身的目的了事, 而不是像我们所认识到的那样把它当做手段。

1 )rather than 而不是, 与其..宁愿It was what he meant rather tha n what he said. 是他的意思而不是他所说的。Ra ther tha n allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price.

与其使蔬菜变坏, 不如半价出售。

2 )means 在这里是名词, 意思是“ 手段、方法”。

He hoped to achieve his goal by peaceful mea ns.


Taking a plane is the quickest mea ns of getting there.


3 )end 在这里是个名词, 意思是“ 目的;目标”。

He stuck at nothing to attain his end.

他为了达到目的, 什么都干得出来。

I want to buy a house, and is saving money to (或for)this end.

我想买一幢房子, 为此正在积攒钱。

4.His opinion is one of the many feelings, pro or con, that people hold about their personal involvement in a physical fitness program. 人们对参与健身训练的态度不一样, 有喜欢的有不喜欢的。该学生的看法只是其中的一种而已。

1 )that people hold. a physical fitness program 结构是定语从句, 修饰先行词feelings。

2 )hold 在这里是及物动词, 意思是“ 持有(看法等)”,“ 怀有”。

He held the thought that the business had failed.


To some extent I hold that opinion of you still.

在某种程度上, 我仍然持有与你一样的观点。

5.Many people including college students of all ages, spend little time in pursuit of physical fitness. 许多人, 包括各个年龄的在校大学生, 很少花时间坚持锻炼身体。

1 )including college students of all ages 中的介词including 引起一个解释性短语, 作状语。

Six people, including four firemen, were treated for burns, smoke inhalation and shock, but no one was seriously hurt. 6 个人其中包括4 名消防队员, 因为烧伤, 烟呛和撞击受到了治疗, 但是没有人伤势严重。

Everybody here has influenza including myself.

大家都得了流感, 包括我在内。

2 )in pursuit of 追求, 寻求The police car raced through the streets in pursuit of another car.


They were in pursuit of the fox. 他们追赶狐狸。

6.. and others are engaged in time-consuming activities that until finished do not permit opportunities for recreation. .. 另一些人从事着耗时的事情, 结果只能等事情忙过才得以有机会去锻炼。

1 )该句的顺序可以为:.and others are engaged in time-consuming activities that do not permit opportunities for recreation until finished. that 引导的定语从句修辞先行词activities。

2 )be engaged in 从事.., 忙于..

It is a hard and long struggle we a re enga ged in.


At this moment he is enga ged in a very violent argument with someone. 此时此刻, 他正与某人进行激烈的争论。

He wa s enga ged in writing letters.


3 )辨异: permit, allow, vt.

这组词作动词时都可指不阻止的行为。permit 含有经过同意而准可或授权, 如通过法令或正式条文“ 允许”某件事。而allow 较不正式, 常仅表示“ 不加阻止”之意, 偏重“ 听任, 默许”。

Corrupt practices were allowed, though not officially permitted before liberation.

解放前, 贪污行为完全听任不管, 虽然在正式法律上禁止贪污。

We don’t a llow gambling. 我们不允许赌博。

7..and with my schedule, I ’ll have no difficulty staying that way.

..按我现在的安排作下去, 我的身体保持这个水平, 绝对没问题。

1 )have (no)difficulty (in)doing something 干..(没)有困难Smith ha d some difficulty in understanding the man’s accent.


Although I ha d grea t difficulty in waking him, he swore that he was not asleep. 尽管我难以叫醒他, 他却发誓说他并没有入睡。

2 )stay 在这里作联系动词, 意思是“ 保持”。

The present government is unlikely to stay in power after the next election. 下届选举后现任政府不可能仍然在位。

The temperature ha s sta yed very high this week.


8.Unlike these people who have made no commitment to fitness, you may have made a commitment to a physical fitness program that might be rather narrow in scope. 这些人对健身没有热情, 但你可能与他们不一样;你或许已经投入健身活动, 但投身训练时的思想境界非常狭隘。

1 )you may have made.意思是“ 想必你已经干..”。它的结构是情态动词may + 动词的现在完成时。表达的意思是“ 可能已经.., 想必已经..”。

She ma y ha ve gone to the clinic. 她或许已经去医务室了。

You ma y ha ve rea d about it in the papers.


He ma y not ha ve a chieved all his aims, but his effort is a good one.

他可能没达到他的全部目的, 但他还是认真做了努力的。

2 )辨异: rather , fairly, adv.

这两个词作副词用时, 意思是“ 相当地”。rather 用于修饰具有厌恶, 不愉快意义的形容词;而fairly 用于修饰具有喜欢, 愉快意义的形容词。