
第20章 Unit Six(1)

A Brief History of Stephen Hawking

Ⅰ.Reading Strategy: Taking Notes While Reading

Taking notes is a very important technique for improving reading comprehension.Firstly, it will help you to extend your attention span.When reading, your mind may tend to wander off.Taking notes helps keep you focussed on your subject area and the task at hand.Secondly, it will help you to remember what you have read.We learn more effectively when we use multiple senses and multiple activities.You are more likely to remember what you have read if you take an active part in your reading.Rather than being a passive reader, note-taking makes you an active learner.Thirdly, note-taking helps you to organise the ideas you are reading about.Good notes arrange topics into easy-to-review chunks of information that are clear and well referenced.By taking notes readers show the structure of the subject and linkages between points, as well as the raw facts contained.Thus, taking notes holds information in a format that your mind will find easy to remember and quick to review.

Good notes can be an outline of key words and phrases or a concept map of the material read.In order to make the best of your notes, here are some suggestions that may help to increase the effectiveness of your note-taking.

General Tips for Taking Notes.

1.Highlighting or underlining.

Reading and note-taking are closely linked.Some people take notes as they read, others like to read first and write later.Some only highlight or underline rather than take notes.But be careful when highlighting or underlining because it can be one of the biggest time wasters in getting great information.Think about it.You might feel like you ve done a lot of work if you highlight words or entences as you read, but if all you end up with a more colorful page, you have not really achieved anything.

2.Summarizing information: that is to say, sum up the main idea of each paragraph and also sum up the main supporting details.

Use single words or simple phrases for information: Most words in normal writing are padding, as they ensure that facts are conveyed in the correct context, and in a format that is pleasant to read.In your own Mind Maps,single strong words and meaningful phrases can convey the same meaning more potently.Excess words just clutter the notes.

Print words: Joined up or indistinct writing can be more difficult to read.

Use color to separate different ideas: This will help you to separate ideas where necessary.It also helps you to visualize of the Mind Map for recall.

Color also helps to show the organization of the subject.

Use shortcuts: This will help readers understand and make the writing process quicker.Abbreviations ( “eg”instead of“for example” ),symbols ( = instead of“equals” ),and drawings can sometimes help you take notes more quickly.

Using cross-linkages: Information in one part of the notes may relate to another part.Here you can draw in lines to show the cross-linkages.This helps you to see how one part of the subject affects another.

Nowadays, more and more English examinations include reading comprehension.When reading those materials, we tend to apply simpler way of taking notes.

Type One:

Taking Notes of Reading Materials in English Examinations Tips for taking notes of reading materials in English Examinations like CET-4 or CET-6 1.Marking & Underlining.

Underline or mark:

main subjects.

examples of these main ideas that help you understand them unfamiliar vocabulary and/ or definitions 2.Use symbols when you can.

& for and.

B for but.

X for except.

for therefore.

for“is an element of”

Or number important or sequential ideas in the margins to locate the main ideas, as well as important sub-points.



3.Use indentation when taking notes.For example:

definition 1.definition 2.4.Jot down brief summaries of every paragraph in key words or expressions in available space.

5.What is the author s attitude toward what he is writing about ? Has the author used neutral words or emotional words ? Pay attention to words like skeptical, critical, doubtful, etc.

There is another point worth mentioning, that is, articles of different styles request different focuses in note-taking.For example, description may require notes of main features of the object;narration may ask for notes of main events or main ideas; exposition may contain many definitions and concepts that want notes of classification; and argumentation may demand notes of comparison and contrast as well as notes of cause and effect.

Type Two:

1.Taking notes from a textbook.

First : read a section of your textbook chapter Read just enough to keep an understanding of the material.Do not take notes, but rather focus on understanding the material.It is tempting to take notes as you are reading the first time, but this is not an efficient technique: you are likely to take down too much information and simply copy without understanding.

Locate the main ideas, as well as important sub-points.

Set the book aside.

Paraphrase this information: Putting the textbook information in your own words which would force you to become actively involved with the material.

Third: write the paraphrased ideas as your notes Do not copy information directly from the textbook.Add only enough details to understand.

2.Taking Notes for Critical Reading

Ask yourself the following questions as you read:

(1) What is the topic of the book or passage ? What issues are addressed?(2) What conclusion does the author reach about the issues?(3) What are the author s reasons for his or her statements or belief?(4) Is the author using facts, theory, or faith ?Facts can be proven.Theory is to be proved and should not be confused with fact.Opinions may or maynot be based on sound reasoning.Faith is not subject to proof by its nature.

(5) Has the author used neutral words or emotional words?Critical readers look beyond the language to see if the reasons are clear; so be aware of why you do, or do not,accept arguments of the author.
