
第16章 Unit Five Appearance (2)

an ineffective mayor 无能的市长

an ineffective design 效果不佳的设计

[例句] He is totally ineffective as a teache r.

intrinsic6 [in..t rinsik] ad j.固有的,内在的,本质的

intuitively [in..tju..itivli] adv.直觉地

neighborhood4 [..neib..hud ] n.① 邻近地区,附近② 四邻,街坊

[考点] in the neighborhood (of) 在.附近;大约

[例句] 1 ) You will find several shops in the neighborhood.

2) He paid in the neighborhood of $5 ,000 for the car.

nondescript [..n..ndi..skript ] ad j.平凡无奇的,无明显特征

perk [p....k ] v.振作,活跃起来

precondition* [..pri..k..n..di..n ] v.预先影响或处理,使先有准备

[例句] Economic growth is a precondition of human advance.

predominance* [pri..d..min..ns ] n.(力量、数量等的) 优势

[例句] The re is a predominance of apple tr ees in this ar ea.

preliminary4 [pr i..limin..ri ] adj.初步的,准备的

[考点] preliminary to 在.之前;

a preliminary test 初试

[例句] The chairman made a pr elimina ry statement befor e beginning the main business of the meeting.

receptionist* [r i..sep....nist ] n.接待员

[例句] Make anothe r appointment with the receptionist.

shabby6 [...... bi] adj.①不体面的,衣衫褴褛的②破旧的

splurge [spl....d..] v.挥霍,乱花

stat ist ic4 [st....tistik] n.统计数字,统计资料

[例句] Ther e is a alarming sta tistic : A car is stolen eve ry two minutes.

stat ist ics* [st....tistiks ] n.统计学

[例句] Politicians like to use sta tistics to support their argument.

stat ist ical * [st....tistik..l ] adj.统计(上) 的,统计学(上)的

[考点] statistical evidence 以统计数据表明的证据

[例句] These days it is hard to find indust ries,government depa rtments or services which do not use mathematical and statistical methods.

subconsciously * [..s..b..k..n....sli] adv.下意识地,潜意识地

[例句] I suppose that ,subconsciously ,I was r eacting against my unhappy childhood.

suburban* [s....b....b..n] ad j.城郊的,在郊区的

[同义] outskir ts

[反义] downtown

[例句] Nowadays more and more people would rather like in the suburban garden.

versus6 [..v....s..s] p rep.①与.相比之下,与.相对② (比赛等中) 以.为对手,对.

at random 随意地,任意地

[例句] The competitors wer e chosen at random from the students.

average out (at/ to/ into) 平均(为. )

[例句] Sometimes I pay ,sometimes he pays ,it seems to aver age out in the end.

cater to 迎合,投合

[例句] Those hotels cater especially to for eign tourists.

clear cut 清楚的,明显的,不含糊的

[例句] Nearly 20 students took par t in the t raining course and the r esults we re clea r cut.

early on 在初期,在早期

[例句] He r ealized ear ly on that he would never pas s the test because he never listen carefully in the class.

hold up 证明属实,经受考验

[例句] The police were doubtful at first ,but Tom’s story held up.

in all probability 很可能,十之八九

[例句] In all probability Tom will simply get a st rong wa rning not to do it again.

in charge 主管,掌管

[例句] He was in charge of the project.

in the long run 从长远看,终究

[例句] In the long run his ideal is every good.

set something in motion 开动,使某物开始运转或工作

[例句] I don’t know how to set the machine ry in motion.

straight out 坦率地,直言地

[例句] She told him st raight out that she would not ma rry him.

Passage Ⅱ Neat People versus Sloppy People


alphabet ize* [.... lf..b..taiz ] v.依字母顺序排列的

band4 [b .. nd] n.①带,带形物②乐队


[考点] band togethe r 联合起来( 支持或反对)

to beat the band ( 做状语) 又快又猛

rubbe r band 橡皮带

a milita ry band 军乐队

[例句] We must band ourselves against natural calamities despite the disputes on the working plan.

boarding school [..b....di.. sku..l] n.寄宿学校

bulletin6 [..bulitin] n.①小报,会刊②简明新闻,新闻快报

catalog4 [..k .. t..l....] n.目录(册) ,一览表


[同义] contents,list ,roll

[考点] a catalog of all the books in the libra ry 图书馆里所


[辨析] catalog;contents ;list catalog 目录( 册) ,指一页或一本目录,如书目、产品的目录等;contents“目录”,指书前的目录;roll“名册,名薄”,指单位全体人员的名册;list “名单,目录”,指用以登记人或物的单子或册子。

[例句] Can you catalogue the VCD sets you sell and send

me a copy ?

cavalier [..k .. v....li..( r ) ] ad j.满不在乎的,轻蔑的

charitable* [..t.... r..t..bl ] ad j.仁慈的,慷慨的,慈悲为怀的

[同义] humane

[反义] c ruel

[考点] charitable to/ towa rds sb.给穷人钱、食物等慷慨的,慈善的

[例句] The money was r aised by a numbe r of cha ritable institutions.

clipping [..klipi..] n.剪报

[例句] He likes clipping very much.

closet6 [..kl..zit ] n.壁橱,橱柜

corsage [k......s......] n.佩带的装饰花束

coupon6 [..ku..p..n] n.优惠券,礼券

den [den] n.舒适的房间、私室或书斋

drainer * [..dr ein..( r) ] n.滴水用具,滤干器

excavat ion [..eksk....vei....n] n.挖掘或发掘现场

flea [fl..i ] n.跳蚤

foil6 [f..il] n.①箔,金属薄片②猎兽的足迹

v.挫败;打破( 对方策略)

[考点] be foiled in 失败

break one’s foil (猎物) 循原路返回又从另一条路逃走

the foil wrappe r of a bar of chocolate 包装巧克力的箔纸

geranium [d..i..r eini..m] n.天竺葵

hardwood* [h....dwud] n.& ad j.硬木(的)

heading4 [..hedi..] n.标题

[同义] headline

[辨析] heading ;headline

heading 和headline 都有“标题”的意思。heading 指文章定的标题题目,也指谈话讨论的“论题”、“话题”;headline 指报刊的大字标题、页头标题。

[例句] What heading does the subject on the common

share of information resources come unde r ?

heirloom [......lu..m] n.传家宝

memento [mi..ment..u] n.纪念品

messy4 [..mesi ] ad j.零乱的,杂乱的,肮脏的

[反义] tidines s,order

[考点] a messy room 凌乱的房间

a messy kitchen 脏乱的厨房

a messy job 把环境弄脏乱的工作

[例句] It’s a messy busines s having a tooth taken out.

plea6 [pli..] n.恳求,请求

profession4 [pr..u..fe....n] n.职业,专业化

[同义] occupation ,voca tion ,tr ade ,car ee r ,busines s employment ,craf t