书城公版A Tale Of Two Cities


'Infected with the new doctrines,'said a third,eyeing the direction through his glass in passing;'set himself in opposition to the last Marquis,abandoned the estates when he inherited them,and left them to the ruffian herd. They will recompense him now,I hope,as he deserves.'

'Hey?'cried the blatant Stryver.'Did he though?Is that the sort of fellow?Let us look at his infamous name. D—n the fellow!'

Darnay,unable to restrain himself any longer,touched Mr. Stryver on the shoulder,and said:

'I know the fellow.'

'Do you,by Jupiter?'said Stryver.'I am sorry for it.'


'Why,Mr. Darnay?D'ye hear what he did?Don't ask why,in these times.'

'But I do ask why?'

'Then I tell you again,Mr. Darnay,I am sorry for it.I am sorry to hear you putting any such extraordinary questions.Here is a fellow who,infected by the most pestilent and blasphemous code of devilry that ever was known,abandoned his property to the vilest scum of the earth that ever did murder by wholesale,and you ask me why I am sorry that a man who instructs youth knows him?Well,but I'll answer you.I am sorry because I believe there is contamination in such a scoundrel.That's why.'

Mindful of the secret,Darnay with great difficulty checked himself,and said:'You may not understand the gentleman.'

'I understand how to put you in a corner,Mr. Darnay,'said Bully Stryver,'and I'll do it.If this fellow is a gentleman,I don't understand him.You may tell him so,with my compliments.Youmay also tell him,from me,that after abandoning his worldly goods and position to this butcherly mob,I wonder he is not at the head of them.But,no,gentlemen,'said Stryver,looking all round,and snapping his fingers,'I know something of human nature,and I tell you that you'll never find a fellow like this fellow,trusting himself to the mercies of such precious proteges.No,gentlemen;he'll always show'em a clean pair of heels very early in the scuffle,and sneak away.'

With these words and a final snap of his fingers,Mr. Stryver shouldered himself into Fleet Street,amidst the general approbation of his hearers.Mr.Lorry and Charles Darnay were left alone at the desk in the general departure from the Bank.

'Will you take charge of the letter?'said Mr. Lorry.'You know where to deliver it?'

'I do.'

'Will you undertake to explain,that we suppose it to have been addressed here,on the chance of our knowing where to forward it,and that it has been here some time?'

'I will do so. Do you start for Paris from here?'

'From here,at eight.'

'I will come back to see you off.'

Very ill at ease with himself,and with Stryver and most other men,Darnay made the best of his way into the quiet of the Temple,opened the letter and read it. These were its contents:

'Prison of the Abbaye,Paris.

'June 21,1792.

'After having long been in danger of my life at the hands of the village,I have been seized,with great violence and indignity,andbrought a long journey on foot to Paris. On the road I have suffered a great deal.Nor is that all;my house has been destroyed—razed to the ground.

'The crime for which I am imprisoned,Monsieur heretofore the Marquis,and for which I shall be summoned before the tribunal,and shall lose my life(without your so generous help),is,they tell me,treason against the majesty of the people,in that I have acted against them for an emigrant. It is in vain I represent that I have acted for them,and not against,according to your commands.It is in vain I represent that,before the sequestration of emigrant property,I have remitted the imposts they have ceased to pay;that I had collected no rent;that I had had recourse to no process.The only response is,that I have acted for an emigrant,and where is that emigrant?

'Ah!most gracious Monsieur heretofore the Marquis,where is that emigrant?I cry in my sleep where is he?I demand of Heaven,will he not come to deliver me?No answer. Ah Monsieur heretofore the Marquis,I send my desolate cry across the sea,hoping it may perhaps reach your ears through the great bank of Tilson known at Paris!

'For the love of Heaven,of justice,of generosity,of the honour of your noble name,I supplicate you,Monsieur heretofore the Marquis,to succour and release me. My fault is,that I have been true to you.Oh Monsieur heretofore the Marquis,I pray you be you true to me!

'From this prison here of horror,whence I every hour tend nearer and nearer to destruction,I send you,Monsieur heretofore the Marquis,the assurance of my dolorous and unhappy service.

'Your afflicted,'GABELLE'

The latent uneasiness in Darnay's mind was roused to vigorous life by this letter. The peril of an old servant and a good one,whose only crime was fidelity to himself and his family,stared him so reproachfully in the face,that,as he walked to and fro in the Temple considering what to do,he almost hid his face from the passers-by.

He knew very well,that in his horror of the deed which had culminated the bad deeds and bad reputation of the old family house,in his resentful suspicions of his uncle,and in the aversion with which his conscience regarded the crumbling fabric that he was supposed to uphold,he had acted imperfectly. He knew very well,that in his love for Lucie,his renunciation of his social place,though by no means new to his own mind,had been hurried and incomplete.He knew that he ought to have systematically worked it out and supervised it,and that he had meant to do it,and that it had never been done.