
第71章 《佃农理论》英语原著 (65)

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Tsui, Young-chi. A Study of Peanuts in Taiwan. Taipei: JCRR, 1954.

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*Yu, Quan-Chung. Land Systems and Regulations in China.Vols. 1 and 2. Szechwan: National Szechwan University, 1944.


Agrarian reforms, in Asia, 5-15, 169

Air space, 146

Alchian, Armen A., 80n

Allocation of resources. See Resource allocation

Alternative earning: as constraint on rental share, 16-29; and increased farming intensity, 101-8; and disguised unemployment, 166

Arable land, 130n, 142

Assessment of annual yield, 111

Assets: transfer of rights to, 81; in tenant farms, 81n. See also Investments; Portfolio selection

Attenuation of land rights, 89. See also Property rights

Average product argument: with common ownership, 117; with disguised unemployment, 165, 166

Average rent: defined, 23;maximization of, 23-24; equality between fixed and share rent, 27-28, 50-51

Bentham-Edwards, Miss, 34-35 "Bottom," right to, 82-83 Bray, James O., 59 Buck, John Lossing, 55-61, 167"Cereals": as compensating payment, 90; sharing of restricted, 93

Chen, Cheng: on enforcement of share restriction, 110; on intention of rental share restriction, 113-14

Chen, Ching-Moh, 57

China: land use in, 55-61; patterns of contract in, 66; characteristics of fixed and share contracts in, 72-79; land reform in, 110, 114

Chinese writers, 55, 79

Citronella, 142-45, 149n

Coase, Ronald H., 70n; 83n

Common crops, 135, 149n, 167; listed, 13In; effect of share restriction on, 132

Common ownership, 117, 168

Compensating payments: 4, 108, 109n, 160; cereals as, 90, 93, 112; restrictions on, 92-93; evidence of illegal, 95-97

Competition: among potential owners, 16n; ensures economic efficiency, 28, 159; conglomerates knowledge, 64; reduces enforcement cost, 64; and increased farming intensity, 101; and maximum value of resource, 115; and common ownership, 117

Contract: choice of, 4; as mutual agreement, 16, 31, 49, 50; as partial transfer of property rights,

inflation, 8n; contractually determined, 84. See also Contractual terms; Rental share restriction

Increased farming intensity, 5, 156, 160; hypothesis of, 100-117; farming intensity defined, 102; effect of on landowner's income, 107n, 114; and resource allocation, 108, 116; restriction on, 114; supporting evidence for, 118-28 passim; labor-land ratio in tenant and owner farms, 122; and nonland inputs, 123n, effect on tenant income, 125n; and rotation, 132-33

Inflation, 119; effect on contractual choice, 73-74; tenancy dismissal, 80n; in Taiwan, 127-28

Information, in market, 63, 64

Input intensities, 86, 127. See also Increased farming intensity

Insurance, 69-70, 74

Interest rates in Taiwan, 127-28

Interplanting, 145-49, 166

Intramarginal crop: defined, 133-34; output responses under share restriction, 135-39

Intramarginal tenant, 25, 78

Investment, 127-28; and share contract, 8, 159; and prereform land law, 13-15; and rental annuity, 26; classical and modern concepts of, 37-39; inputs shared in, 78; under share restriction, 125

Iron sheet rent, 73-74

Issawii, Charles, 48

Japan: land reform in, 9; rental share restriction in, 57n; labor-land ratio in, 60; pattern of contractual arrangements in, 66; crop insurance in, 70

Johnson, D. Gale, 33n, 49-51, 55 Jones, Richard, 39, 40, 40n; on land size division, 36; on metayage, 36-38; and ranking land tenure, 46

Kaoshiung, 141, 142n

Kehrberg, Earl W., 60n

Key-money. See Lump-sum payment;

Compensating payments King, F. H., 167 Klein, Sidney, 109-10

Korea: land reform in, 9; farm sizes

and prices in, 58 Kweichow province, 56

Labor "surplus," 166 Land area, 130

Land law, in China and Taiwan,9-15, 93-94 Land prices: determined, 24n; under

different forms of tenure, 60; under

share restriction, 98 Land reform, 5. See also Agrarian

reforms, in Asia; Taiwan land


Land size, per tenant: and share contract, 16-29, 58; in France, 36; in Italy, 36; Jones on, 36; and "subsistence" income, 40; under share restriction, 120

Land-to-the-Tiller Act, 7, 9, 92n, 113-14, 119n, 123, 143n

Lease: in Britain, 33-34; freehold, 34; perpetual, 44; efficiency of, 46, 85; number of, 61; duration of, 79-85; termination of, 80, 83; in prereform land law, 93-94; in 1951 land law, 94; cancellations of, 95, 97-98. See also Dismissal

Legal arrangements: effect of on income variance, 72; effect of on contractual choice and efficiency, 86-88

Legislative Yuan, 57

Long lease duration, 81-83

Lump-sum payment: as alternative to unit pricing, 65-66, 86; as compensating payment, 89-90; restrictions on, 92-93, evidence of, 96; and residual tenant income, 105

Main crop, 111, 112-13