

1.This is the way the morning dawns: Rosy tints on.owers and trees,Winds that wake the birds and bees,Dewdrops on the.elds and lawns- This is the way the morning dawns.

2.This is the way the sun comes up: Gold on brook and glossy leaves,Mist that melts above the sheaves,Vine,and rose,and buttercup- This is the way the sun comes up.

3.This is the way the river.ows: Here a whirl,and there a dance; Slowly now,then,like a lance,Swiftly to the sea it goes-This is the way the river.ows.

4.This is the way the rain comes down: Tinkle,tinkle,drop by drop,Over roof and chimney top;

Boughs that bend,and skies that frown- This is the way the rain comes down.

5.This is the way the birdie sings: "Baby birdies in the nest,You I surely love the best; Over you I fold my wings"- This is the way the birdie sings.

6.This is the way the daylight dies: Cows are lowing in the lane,Fire.ies wink on hill and plain; Yellow,red,and purple skies- This is the way the daylight dies.

(George Cooper)