
第10章 US Media Coverage of China Is Often Inaccurate(2)

Zhao: That’s how the American people can understand me. The content is Chinese and the expression is American. So the Americans will understand.

Americans need to know more about Chinese cultureQ: In which aspect do you think the Americans don’t understand China?

Zhao: Americans don’t get Chinese culture. Chinese culture pays great attention to how people interact: How you treat your friends,your parents and your family. A family is formed with harmony. We also live with our neighbours in harmony. Fundamentally speaking,we are not a nation that believes in aggressiveness. In China,Han Chinese make up the majority of the population. The Manchurian minority once ruled the country. But later on the Manchurian culture melted with the Han culture.

Q: So you are suggesting that Americans should learn more about Chinese culture?

Zhao: Americans learn about China from books written by Americans and movies made by Americans. It’s inevitable that some will get misunderstandings or even distorted impressions. You need to understand the real China through more direct channels.

The US needs to give a clear accountof the bombing of the Chinese embassyin Belgrade

Q: Do you believe that the US bombed the Chinese embassy intentionally?

Zhao: The US needs to give an honest account of how it happened. The Chinese find the present account hardly believable. The US said it was the result of using wrong maps several times. But the National Imagery and Map Agency soon declared they never provided any wrong maps.

Q: They never acknowledged their maps had been wrong. Two weeks after the incident,the US sent maps to foreign countries to verify the location of their embassies. Chinese think the CIA should be correct in everything and make no mistakes. But Americans don’t believe the CIA can do anything correct.

Zhao: I was once in charge of developing the Pudong area in Shanghai. I used satellite maps. Do you use travel maps during the war?

Q: I know that’s absurd.

Zhao: Do you play dice? What’s the probability of rolling snake eyes three times in a row?

Q: I agree. But I don’t agree with you that the US did it intentionally.

Zhao: I can’t believe it wasn’t a mistake. But the US needs to give a clear account.

Taiwan is our brother.

We hope the relations across the Straitswill further develop.

Q: I understand that. Do you believe the Sino-US relations can be improved in five minutes?

Zhao: The US Government must first abide by the Three Sino-US Joint communiqués and stop selling arms to Taiwan. But that can’t be achieved in five minutes.

Q: What are the Three Sino-US Joint communiqués?

Zhao: They are three communiqués reached by the Chinese and US governments regarding Taiwan: The US acknowledges that the government of the People’s Republic of China is the only legal government representing China,that there is only one China in the world,and that Taiwan is a part of China,etc.

Q: Taiwan is a province?

Zhao: Yes,it’s a province. It’s a part of China.

Q: If the US abides by the communiqués,what then for Taiwan?

Zhao: Taiwan would realize that it is imperative to reunify with the mainland.

Q: Right this second?

Zhao: The sooner the better. But of course it takes time.

Q: What if Taiwan agrees to reunify now?

Zhao: Then we’ll begin negotiations right now.

Q: If the US stops interfering,does that mean the PLA will land in Taiwan?

Zhao: No. The two sides will carry out detailed negotiations under the premise of"one country,two systems."

Q: Is that better for the entire country?

Zhao: Yes. Taiwan would even be allowed to keep its army.

Q: What’s the purpose?

Zhao: It can take up the defense tasks of Taiwan.

Q: Why would Taiwan need its own army?

Zhao: This is a historical process. This policy is more lenient than that to Hong Kong,which doesn’t have its own army.

Q: What changes will take place in Taiwan?

Zhao: Taiwan will cut military expenses and have closer overall ties with the mainland. Taiwanese can take posts in the central government. The common people will gain international respect with the mainland people.

Q: Taiwan people also complain about their own government. You might be happy for this.

Zhao: Taiwan is our brother. We hope the relations across the Straits will further develop.

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