
第32章 The United States in About 23 Million Years

The ordinary raindrop is a mighty earth mover with sufficient strength to cut rock. When rainwater collects on the surface of the ground, some of it evaporates① and some of it sinks into the earth. The remainder begins to flow downhill, commencing② its lengthy journey from brook③ to stream to lake, or to a river which will carry it to the sea.

As water flows along the ground, it picks up sand, pebbles④, even boulders⑤. Rainwater uses them to gnaw⑥ at the sides and bottom of the channel, gradually loosening more earth.

Through this process, enormous amounts of mud and rock are moved from the land to the sea. Each year the Mississippi River carries 730 million of solid matter into the Gulf of Mexico.

This constant hauling⑦ of land into the sea is lowering the United States average height above sea level at a rate of about one foot every 9,000 years. If erosion continues at the same rate, the United States will be worn completely down to sea level in about 23 million years.

① evaporatev. 使蒸发,使挥发

② commencev. 开始,着手[+v-ing][+to-v]

③ brookn. 小河,小溪

④ pebblen. 小卵石[C]

⑤ bouldern. 卵石,大圆石,巨砾

⑥ gnawv. 啃,啮[(+at/into/on)]

⑦ haulv. 拖,拉,曳,拖运,搬运




