



1.“I can not!I can not!I am sure I never can learn this hard lesson,”said Arthur,as he came into his mother‘s room;and he threw down his book and began to cry.

2.“Arthur,my son,do not cry so.I know it is hard for you,but do not give up.Try once more.Nothing of value is gained without effort.”

3.“But,mother,I have tried,and there is no use in my trying any more.I never can learn this lesson;no,never.”

4.“You must not give it up,my son.Do you wish to grow up an ignorant man?Other little boys like you have learned it,and what they have done you can do.

5.”NEVER GIVE UP is a good motto.Life is a battle-field.This is one of the many battles you will have to fight.Will you conquer or be conquered in this battle?is the question for you to decide now.

6.“If you conquer,it will be easier for you next time;if you are conquered now,you may never gain a vitory.O,my son,do not give it up.Be a hero,and conquer this lesson.”

7.Arthur sat thoughtful for a little while,and then with acountenance and air that seemed to say,“I’ll do it,”he took uphis book and left the room.

8.For long hours Arthur struggled with his lesson.It was indeed a hard one.Sometimes he was tempted to say,“I can‘t!”and to give it up.But then his mother’s words “Other little boys like you have learned it,and what they have done you can do,”would come to his mind,and he would say,“No,I will not give up:I will never give up!”

9.The curtains were drawn,and the lamp burned brightly.Mrs.Camp had just put her little Mary to bed,and was now seated by the table,making a vest for a neighbor;for she was a poor widow,and had to work hard to procure food and clothing for herself and two children.

10.“Mother!mother!I have learned it!I have learned it!”said Arthur,as he suddenly came into the room.“I can say every word of it.It did seem as if I could not learn it,it was so hard;but then,other little boys like me have learned it,and I would not give up,and now I can say all of it-every word of it.Just hear me,mother.”

11.Yes,Arthur had learned his lesson,and he said,“I will do better next time;”and he did.He had learned a great lesson,and it made him feel strong and happy.Little boy,little girl,have you learned this lesson-“NEVER GIVE UP?”











NEVER GIVE UP II:ARTHUR LEAVES SCHOOL AND GETS A PLACE AS ERRAND-BOY永不放弃(2):亚瑟辍学去做童工1.“Arthur,my son,”said his mother one day,“I must keep you from school after this term,for I have not the money to pay your tuition.

2.“It is very hard to get money now,and it takes all I can earn to keep us in food and clothes.I am very sorry to keep you out,but I think you can study at home,and help me somewhat,too.”

3.Since Arthur had learned that hard lesson,he had made great proficiency in his studies.His recitations were always good.It required study to prepare them,it is true;but he would say,“Nothing of great value is gained without effort,mother says,and mother knows.”

4.Arthur was very sorry to leave school,but he did not complain;nor let his mother know that it made him feel bad.When she told him that he could not go the next term,he said,“All right,mother;I can learn at home just about as well.

5.”And then I can get a book and teach little sister Mary to read and perhaps,“he added,“I can do something to help you earn more money.”