



1.To his great disappointment,Gussy Burton was not in his usual place,nor did he make his appearance all day,and poor Dick could hear nothing of his skates.

2.But when school-hours were at last over,he joined the merry party for the pond,and as he reached the ice,sure enough,there was Gussy Burton with his own nice skates just buckled on!

3.“Those are mine,”shouted little Dick,“and I want to usethem myself.”

4.“You can have them if you catch me,”mockingly retortedGussy,gliding by him like an arrow.

5.Dick bit his lips,and thrusting his hands into his pockets,waited till Gussy had gone around the pond once;then he said,6.“Gussy,you may go around three times with my skates,if you will give them to me then.”

7.Gussy laughed loudly.“Very generous when you can not help yourself;I will go round as many times as I please.It is great fun;”and off he shot again.

8.Several of the smaller boys who stood near were very sorry for Dick,but Gussy was so large and strong that they did not dare attack him.

9.Poor Dick stood for nearly an hour gazing on the animated scene,growing very cold,and struggling against the bitter thoughts that filled his heart.

10.The boys were so full of fun,and he did so love to skate!At last,when Gussy came around once more,flushed with exercise,and screamed,“Grandfather,would you like to take a turn on my skates?”

11.Poor Dick said to himself,“Well,I am sure I have suffered long enough;but I must say I do not feel very kind.That verse may do very well for girls,but boys-”

12.Just then came a crash and a shout-

13.“See !the ice has broken!”“Gussy Burton has gone in!”“Will he drown?”“Oh,the water is too shallow,”“No;it’s deep right in the middle,”“There,he‘s holding on,”“Can’t anyone help him?”“How the ice breaks!”“We can‘t get near him.”

14.“Let me try,”said Dick.

15.“No,he won’t drown;and he‘s so ugly,let him have a good fright,”“He’ll pull you in,too,Dicky,”urged the smaller boys.

16.“Help,boys,”cried Gussy;“I‘m so cold,I can’t hold onmuch longer,and if I stir,the ice cracks.”

17.“Run for farmer Jones,”said one,and a dozen boysstarted.

18.“Oh,I shall die before they get back,”groaned Gussy.

19.Just then Dick remembered something he had read,and running across the pond,he tore,with all his strength,a long board from the nearest fence,and hastening back,laid it carefully across the hole,so that Gussy could reach it.

20.Then,lying down flat on the ice,he slowly crawled up near enough to help the numb,frightened boy upon the board,and with great care he drew him farther and farther,till he was once more upon strong,safe ice.

21.“Three cheers for Dick Melville,”shouted the little boys,as the others returned with Dick‘s father,whom they had met on the road.

22.As the Story was eagerly told,it was hard to tell which blushed the most,poor chattering Gussy Burton,or happy,brave little Dick.

23.But Gussy,as soon as he could speak,made an apology to Dick,before all the boys,and then,in a lower tone,said,“I shall never forget this,Dick,and I hope I shall be a better boy.”

24.You may imagine the happiness of Dick when his father related the occurrence at home.

25.Sam walked up to him in a grand way,and said,“I am proud to shake hands with you,brother Dick.I think I must have been mistaken about that ’sounding brass,‘this morning.”

26.But the best of it was when his mother whispered,“You make me very happy,my little son,and,above all,I think you have pleased God.”


1.让他大失所望,谷希o 伯顿没有坐在他该坐的位置上,而且一整天都没出现在教室里,可怜的迪克连自己滑冰鞋的影子都没见到。

2.但是放学之后,他到池塘边,在那里终于看到了谷希o 伯顿,正穿着他的滑冰鞋在冰上滑呢!











13.“看那里!冰面裂了!”“谷希o 伯顿掉进去了!”“他会不会被淹死?”“不会,水很浅。”“不,中间很深呢。”“看,他正在水里挣扎呢。”“没人去救他吗?”“如果冰面再裂了该怎么办?!”“我们接近不了他。”








21.“我们为迪克o 梅尔维尔欢呼三声。”同学们大声喊道,这时跑去叫人的同学们也回来了,还有迪克的爸爸,他们在路上遇到了他。




