

5.“Only this morning,you were half an hour looking foryour slate,and so lost your drawing lesson.”

6.George was a well-disposed and industrious boy,but he had one very bad fault:he was never ready,but always almost ready,to do what he knew should be done at once;and this habit was the cause of a great deal of trouble,as you will see.

7.George was the only child of his mother,and she was a widow.

8.One morning she said to him,“George,I wish you would fasten the hinge on the garden-gate.I am afraid the cattle will get into the garden.”

9.“I have not the time now,mother;I shall be late to schoolif I stop to do it now.You know I could not cut the wood lastnight,and I must do that now.After school I will fix it.”

10.“There!mother,”said George,as he was about to retire at night,“I forgot all about that gate.Well,it can not be helped now.I will fix it in the morning.”

11.But during the night,the cattle got into the garden,and destroyed everything in it;even the currant bushes and little pear-trees were broken down.

12.There was not a cabbage,nor a hill of corn,nor a melon,to be found,where,the night before,they all looked so nicely.

13.George wept,but that did not mend the matter;and he tried to console himself by saying,he would have mended the gate,but he had not the time.

14.“The better way,”said his mother,“is to take time,and not leave for to-morrow what should be done to-day.”

15.George resolved he would follow his mother’s advice,and for a time he really did better;but he soon relapsed into his old habit.

16.That very fall,a horse was drowned in a well,because the boy had not the time to cover it.

17.When he grew to be a man,the same habit clung to him.

His house was burned,with all its contents.

18.It had been insured,and George meant to renew the insurance;but he had put it off day by day,because he “had not the time”to attend to it.

19.George‘s habit of putting off till some other time what heshould have done at once,was the cause of his ruin.

20.This habit has ruined many a wellmeaning boy besidesGeorge.Shall it ruin you,my little reader?

21.It is not easy to change habits.Those that cleave to us through childhood and youth will,most generally,go with us through life.How necessary,then,that you form right habits now.















