



1.“Jack!Jack !here,sir!hie on!”cried Charlie,flinging his stick far into the pond.Jack did not want to go;it was not pleasant swimming in among the great lily-leaves,that would flap against his nose and eyes,and get in the way of his feet.

2.So he looked at the stick and then at his master,and sat down,wagging his tail,as much as to say,“You are a very nice little boy,but there was no need of your throwing the stick into the water,and I don‘t think I’ll oblige you by going after it.”

3.But Charlie was determined.He found another switch,and by scolding and whipping,forced Jack into the water,and made him get the stick.

4.He dropped it on the bank,however,instead of bringing it to his master;so he had to go over the performance again and again,until he had learned that when Charlie told him to go for the stick,he was to obey at once.

5.Charlie was satisfied at length,and with Jack at his heels,went home to tell his mother about the afternoon‘s work.He seemed quite proud of it.

6.“It was pretty hard work,mother,”he said.“Jack would notmind at all,until I made him;but now he knows that he has to do itand there will be no more trouble with him.”

7.“What right have you to expect him to mind you?”asked his mother,quietly.

8.“Right,mother?Why,he is my dog!Uncle John gave him to me,and I do every thing for him.Did I not make his kennel my own self,and put nice hay in it?And do I not feed him three times every day?

9.”And I am always kind to him.I call him nice old Jack,and pat him,and let him lay his head on my knee.Indeed,I think I have the best right in the world to have him mind me!“10.His mother was cutting out a jacket.She did not look up when Charlie had finished,but going on steadily with her work,she said,slowly,“I have a little boy.He is my own.He was given to me by my Heavenly Father.

11.”I do every thing for him.I make his clothes and prepare the food he eats.I teach him his lessons,and nurse him tenderly when he is sick.Many a night have I sat up to watch by his side when fever was burning him,and daily I pray to God for every blessing upon him.

12.“I love him.I call him ’my dear little son.‘He sits on my lap,and goes to sleep with his head on my arm.I think I have the ’best right in the world‘to expect this little boy to obey me,and yet he does not,unless I make him,as I would have to make a dog.”

13.“O,mother!”cried Charlie,tear starting to his eyes,“I know it is wrong to disobey you,but I never thought before how very mean it is.Indeed,I do love you,and I will try-I really will try-to mind you as well as Jack minds me.”















1.There was once a little kitten,who loved to play better than to do anything else.I wonder if my little reader knows any body like her.She thought every thing that moved was a plaything for her.If the wind whirled a leaf along the path,she scampered after it,as if she thought it meant to say,“Catch me,if you can,”

2.Grandma’s ball of knitting-yarn never fell on the floor but Kitty ran after it,not to pick it up again-O no!but to roll it,and to roll it about,until the yarn was in a fine tangle,giving poor grandma a great deal of trouble.

3.All this was very fine fun,no doubt;but kittens were made forsomething else besides play,and old puss thought it was high timethat her child was taught something useful.

4.So one day she called her from chasing a grasshopper,which was trying to hide from her among the tall grass,and said:“My child,do you know that you are now four months old,and yet you have never caught a single mouse?Our mistress is very kind,and gives us plenty of nice milk,so we should try to be useful to her.

5.“I heard her complain this morning that a mouse had been eating her cake,and I think I have found its hole.Now I want you to sit here very quietly,behind the door,where the mouse can‘t see you,and watch until you see it come out of its hole;then spring,as you have seen me do,and catch it with yore daws.”

6.Kitty promised to do her best,and after her mother left her she sat very still for a little while,but no mouse came,and she began to think it very dull work.“O dear!”said she,“I am very tired:I think I will take a little run,and then come back again.”

7.She had just reached the kitchen door when the wind whirled a piece of paper past her;and away she ran after it,over to the duck-pond before she caught it.

8.Master Herbert was there working for his father,but he loved play best,too;so as soon as he saw the kitten,he cried “Now for some fun!”and catching hold of her,he put her into a tin pan,which was there to hold food for the ducks,and before she could even say “mew!”she was sailing off into the middle of the pond!