



1.“I feel so vexed and out of temper with Ben for breakingmy cart,that I really must-”

2.“Do something in revenge?”inquired his cousin Julia.

3.“No,cousin;but I must look over my Book of Thanks.”

4.“Your Book of Thanks!What is that?”inquired Julia,as Mark turned over the leaves of a little book which was nearly full of writing.

5.“O,here it is!”and he read aloud:’March 8.Ben lent me his new knife.‘’March 10.Ben showed me his new book.‘6.“And here,again,only the other day:’June 19.Ben gaveme a new string for my kite.‘7.”I think I will turn down a leaf there.Ben is a pretty good boy,after all.Don’t you think so,cousin?“8.”What do you write down in that book?“said Julia,whohad been watching Mark with much curiosity.

9.”Our teacher told us,last winter,that everybody has some good about him,and that if we would look for it we should find more of it than we expected,and that this would make us happier than to be looking for the bad.

10.“She also told us that,if we would mark the different actsof kindness shown to us,we should very soon be surprised atthe number of them.

11.”I write them down in this book so as not to forget them,as I might if I trusted to my memory alone.

12.“When I am cross,or out of temper with any one,I look over this book and it nearly always makes me feel good-natured and on pretty good terms with him again.”

13.“I wonder what sort of things you put down.Will youplease let me look at your book?”said Julia.

14.Mark handed it to her;and as Julia looked it over sheread-15.“February 4.Mrs.Wade asked me to spend the day at her house,and she made it very pleasant for me.

16.”February 9.I broke my sled while sliding down hill.John Jones came along and said he was sorry:he would stop and help me fix it,but was going on an errand,and could not.

17.“March 1.I have been sick two weeks.Mrs.Page came several times to see me.”

18.“Why do you put father and mother at the head of everypage?”

19.“O,they show me so much kindness that I can not writeit down,and so I just write their names.”

20.“And what is this at the beginning of the book?‘Every good gift is from above.’”

21.“That I put there as a sort of title-page,to remind me that the Lord gives me all my kind friends,and all the good things that I have.

22.”And now,while I am grateful to my friends for theirkindness,I am thankful to Him for them and for all good,“23.My little reader,if you,like Mark,should keep a Book of Thanks,do you not think it would make you more cheerful,contented,and happy?










15.”二月四日,韦德夫人让我在她家玩了一天,我非常高兴。“16.”二月九号,我从山上往下滑雪时,弄坏了雪橇。约翰o 琼斯滑了过来,他对我说看到我的雪橇坏了他感到很遗憾,他希望能帮我修好,但是由于有事他不能这样做。“17.”三月一日,我病了两个星期,佩琪夫人来看过我两次。“18.”为什么在每页的开头你都写着爸爸妈妈?“19.”哦,他们对我的好真是太多了,根本写不完,所以我只在每页写上他们的名字。






1.There were two little boys named James and William.One day their father gave them each a five-cent piece,to spend as they wished.

2.The boys said,“Thank you,father,”and were very much pleased.As happy as crickets,they very soon started for the store to spend it.

3.“What shall you buy with your money?”said James,asthey walked along.

4.“I do not know,”replied William;“I have not thought yet.

What shall you buy with yours?”

5.“I believe I will buy an orange for mother.She is sick,youknow,and an orange will taste good to her.”

6.“You can do as you please with your money,James,but I am going to buy something for myself,”said William.“Father gave me the money to spend for myself,and I mean to do it.Mother has money,and if she wants an orange she can send for it any day.”

7.“I know that,”said James,“but then to see mother eating an orange that I had bought for her with my own money,would make me feel so happy.