
第92章 蚯蚓

1.The earth-worm is also called the dew-worm,because it likes to come out of its hole and creep about when the grass is wet with dew.It is a very long and thin animal,being often a foot long,yet less than one-quarter of an inch in thickness.

2.Its body is composed of more than one hundred rings,all joined together.At first you cannot see that the worm has any head.But if you look very closely,you will see that one end of the body is more pointed than the other,and that when the worm moves,this pointed end goes first.The pointed end is its head.

3.In the head there is a slit or mouth,by which the worm is able to feed on decayed plants.The earth-worm swallows a great deal of the earth or mould in which it lives,because this earth always contains some decayed leaves or roots.This vegetable matter forms the animal‘s food,and the useless part of the mould is carried to the top of the hole or burrow in which the worm lives.

SECTION OF FRONT PART OF WORM(蚯蚓前部截面图)4.Have you ever seen the“worm-casts,”or little curly heaps of fine mould which the earth-worm leaves behind it?In swallowing the mould to feed on the vegetable matter which it contains,the little animal does a great deal of good,for it breaks up the mould so finely that it changes a hard and barren①soil into a rich soil in which plants can grow well.

5.The earth-worm has no legs;how,then,does it move?If we wash a worm in water till it is quite clean,and then look at the under side of its body,we shall see eight stiff little bristles②on each of its many rings.

6.These bristles point backwards.If we move a finger along the worm from the head to the tail,the body feels quite smooth;but if we gently rub the worm the other way-from the tail to the head-we can easily feel the stiff bristles.

7.The earth-worm’s body is very elastic.It pushesBRISTLES(刚毛)its head forward in the direction in which it wants to go;it then sticks into the soil the bristles which are near the head,and pulls forward the rest of its body.

8.The body of the earth-worm is covered with slime③,whichhelps it to burrow in the ground,for its wet slimy body passes easily through the soft earth.


②Bristles,stiff hairs standing straight out.

③Slime,moist,sticky substance.

9.A great many worms live in the soil of every field and garden.If you wish to see how many worms there are,you should go out into your garden or to a grassy lawn①on a warm,damp eveningafter dark,and take a lantern with you.Then you will see perhaps hundreds of worms,each keeping just the end of its tail in its hole or burrow,and moving its head and body about in search of water and food.You must step very softly;for if the earthworms hear you coming,they will quickly pull themselves back into their holes with a sudden start,as if their bodies were elastic bands.

10.Worms are eaten by birds when they come to the top of the ground,and they are chased and eaten by moles when they burrow under it.It was said of a good man that he “would not hurt a worm.”I hope that no child who reads this book will everwantonly②injure these harmless and very useful little creatures.


The earth-worm has a very long and thin body composed of a great many rings.The pointed end of the worm is its head,in which there is a slit or mouth.The worm feeds on the decayed plants contained in the soil in which it lives.The useless part of the mould it leaves behind as “worm-casts.”The worm is of very great use in breaking up the mould,and making it fit for plants.It has no legs,but moves along by means of the stiff bristles on each of its rings.Its body is very elastic,and is covered with a slime which helps it to burrow.Worms come out chiefly in the dewy evenings.They are eaten both by birds and by moles.


1.蚯蚓又叫露水虫(dew-worm),因为当天气潮湿、小草上挂满露水时,它就喜欢钻出自己的洞穴到处爬行。这是一种身体很长却又非常纤细的动①Lawn,a smooth piece of grass in front of or near a house.

②Wantonly,without any proper reason;recklessly.












②在英语中,(someone)“would not hurt a worm”是一个习语,形容某人心地善良,类似中国的“扫地不伤蝼蚁命”。另外,你可能听说过一种广泛流传的说法,蚯蚓切成两半会长成两条蚯蚓,但这是一种误传。蚯蚓属于环节动物门,已经发展了比较复杂的各类器官,再生能力没有那么强。只有一部分种类的蚯蚓,切成两半之后前面的一半会活下来。不过,扁形动物门的涡虫(flatworms),是一种更加低等的动物,切成两半之后确实能长成两条。