
第58章 硫

1.Did you ever have to take a mixture of brimstone and treacle?This mixture has not a pleasant taste,but it is a useful medicine;and if it will do us good,we should not care much whether it has a nice taste or not.

2.Sulphur is the proper name of the yellow powder called brimstone.Sulphur is an element;that is,it is made of one kind of matter only.Out of a piece of sulphur no one can get anything but sulphur.

3.You can buy sulphur at the chemist’s①in three forms.First,there is milk of sulphur,which is a very fine powder;next,there is flowers of sulphur,which is a rather coarse powder;and lastly,there is roll sulphur,which is sold in solid sticks.

4.Sulphur is of a bright yellow colour.A piece of roll sulphur snaps easily when we try to bend it,so that we say it is brittle.It has neither taste nor smell when cold,but when warm it has a slight smell.

5.Some people put a stick of sulphur in the dish from which their dogs drink;but this is of no use as a medicine,for it will not dissolve in water.

①Chemist,a dealer in drugs and medicines.

6.Sulphur is a rather light solid,but it does not float in water.It burns very easily,and with a pale blue flame.As it burns it produces a gas with a nasty smell.The fumes①of burning sulphurwill bleach②straw,silk,and other things,and make them whiteand clean.These fumes are also useful for killing the germs which cause fevers③and other diseases④.

7.Let us put some bits of roll sulphur in an iron spoon,and hold the spoon over a clear fire.The sulphur soon melts into a clear yellow liquid.If we let this melted sulphur get hotter,it will become thick,and nearly black in colour.

8.With more heat still,the sulphur will become thin again;and if we then pour it into cold water,it will change into a soft brown mass almost like india-rubber.After a few days,this will become hard and yellow again.If the sulphur is made very hot indeed,it will turn into yellow sulphur vapour.

9.Sulphur is a mineral.It is found near volcanoes⑤,and musthave been brought up by them from a very great depth.It is also found in the earth joined with other elements,in the form of stony masses called ores.

10.But sulphur is not a metal.It has qualities⑥very differentfrom those of the metals.A metal conducts⑦heat well.If you put one end of a metal rod into the fire,the other end soon grows hot also.But sulphur conducts heat very badly.

11.Metals have also a lustrous or shining surface,but sulphur has no lustre.For these reasons sulphur is said to be a non-metal-that is,an element which is not a metal.


②Bleach,make white.

③Fevers,illnesses causing great heat and thirst.


⑤Volcano,a mountain with an opening through which fire,steam,cinders,etc.,come from the inside of the earth.




Sulphur or brimstone is a mineral.It is found near volcanoes and in ores in the earth.It is of a bright yellow colour.It has neither taste nor smell when cold,but a faint smell when warm.It melts easily,and can be turned into vapour by great heat.It also burns easily,and gives off a gas with a bad smell.Its fumes will bleach straw,silk,etc.,and will also kill fever germs.Sulphur is used as a medicine.



3.你可以在化学品商店里买到三种样子的硫:第一种是极细的粉末,名叫“硫磺乳”(milk of sulphur);第二种是相当粗的粉末,名叫“硫华”

(flowers of sulphur);第三种是“硫棒”(roll sulphur),是以固态棒状的形式出售的。











