
第43章 一块粘土

1.Do you know where clay comes from?If you take a long walk near the town in which you live,you will very likely find some deep hole or pit in the ground from which men are digging out the stuff we call clay.


2.Clay is found in thick beds or layers in the earth,and we may therefore call it a rock.We may also call it a mineral.

3.Let us ask the men in the clay-pit to give us a lump of clay.Its colour will most likely be brown.Pure clay is white,but a little red iron-rust is often found mixed with it.As we press the clay between our fingers,we find that we can mould or knead it into any shape we please.

4.Let us make the clay into a ball.Now let us try to play a game of cricket with our clay ball.We shall soon find that the clay ball will not bounce as the leather ball does.

5.When we press a piece of clay out of shape,it does not spring back to its old shape again as a ball made of leather or of india-rubber does.We therefore say that clay is not elastic.

6.We shall next put our lump of clay in the oven,and let it dry for several hours.The dry clay will break into powder,if we drop it on the ground;so we say that dry clay is brittle.

7.But let us put the dry clay into a saucer half full of water.Soon all the water will disappear,while the clay will become soft once more.What has become of the water?Dry clay is full of tiny pores,and it has sucked up the water into its pores.

8.Now let us mould our lump of soft clay into the form of a cup,and fill it with water.The water does not soak through the clay,for all its pores are already full of water.Now you see whyclay is used to line the bottoms and sides of ponds and canals①.

Clay will not let water pass through it:it is waterproof②.

9.Let us mould another lump of clay into the shape of a brick.We shall take this lump of clay to a brick-maker,and ask him to bake it for us in his kiln③.There it will become a hard red block like a brick,which would be very usefulin helping to build a house.ROOFING-TILE AND DRAIN-PIPE(瓦片和渗水管)①Canals,waterways made for boats or ships.

②Waterproof,proof against water;that will not let water pass through.

③Kiln (kil),a furnace for burning lime,baking bricks,etc.

10.Drain-pipes①,tiles②,chimney-pots,and many other articles are made of baked clay.Clay burned in rough lumps is sometimes used for making roads and foot-paths.It soaks up the rain-water,and so keeps the road dry.

11.Jugs and basins and cups and saucers are also made of baked clay.These vessels must not be porous③,or they will let the liquids escape which we put into them.The pores of such articles are filled up by dipping them into a mixture that makes them smooth like glass.

12.A man who makes vessels out of clay is called a potter.He has aflat wheel in front of him on which he places the soft lump of clay,and as it spins round he moulds it with his hands into any shape he likes.Dishes made of clay are called pottery or earthenware.


Clay is called a rock because it is found in thick beds or layers in the earth.It is waterproof when wet,and when dry it is very brittle.Baked clay is made into bricks,drain-pipes,tiles,chimney-pots,etc.It is also used for making roads and footpaths.Cups and saucers,jugs and basins,are also made from baked clay,by a man called a potter.

①Drain-pipes,pipes which carry off water from fields or houses.

②Tiles,pieces of baked clay used in roofing houses,etc.

③Porous,full of pores or very small openings.















