
第33章 美丽的鸽子

1.I am sure that you all know a pigeon when you see one,and that you like and admire①this pretty bird.

2.Have you ever tried to count all the kinds of tame pigeons you have s e e n ?T h e r e a r e t h e white fantail,the pouter with its breast puffedout,the common house-pigeon,the carrier-pigeon,and many others.

3.Now all these are really of the same family②;and they are all cousins of the wild,blue rock-pigeon,which builds its nest in the holes of rocks.

4.The pigeon has a strong backbone;but like all①Admire,look at with delight;think much of.

②Family,group of animals or plants like each other in some important points.


other birds,it can only bend the part of its backbone which is in its neck.It can bend its neck so well,however,that it is able to reach every part of its body with its bill.

5.The bill is strong and horny,and it has to act both as a hand and as a mouth.

With its bill the pigeon picks up the seeds on which it lives.

6.The pigeon,like all other birds,has hollow bones.This makes its body very light,so that it can fly easily.If the bones of birds were either solid,or filled with marrow①as ours are,they could not fly so well as they can with their light and hollow bones.

7.The wings and tail of the pigeon are covered with long feathers,called quills.The quill-feathers of the wing help thePOUTER(凸胸鸽)pigeon to fly,while the quills of the tail guide the bird and steady it in its flight.

8.The rest of the pigeon’s body is covered with short feathers.Below these feathers it has a kind of soft hair,called down,which clothes the bare skin of the bird and keeps it warm.

9.Pigeons live in pairs,and the mates are very fond of eachother.If one of a pair dies,the other will not eat for days,and may even die of grief②.

①Marrow,the soft matter or pith which fills the hollow parts of bones.

②Grief,great sorrow.

10.In summer,the mother pigeon lays two white eggs,and sits on them to keep them warm.The father pigeon,too,takes his turn at sitting on the eggs.In less than three weeks the young pigeons come out of the eggs.At first the young birds have nofeathers to cover them;and for some weeks the parent birds①have to feed them with seeds out of their own bills.

11.Pigeons can fly very well.The carrier-pigeon sometimes flies a mile in a minute.These birds may be taken many,many miles from their home,and yet they will fly straight back again.They are used for carrying messages.The message is written on a small piece of paper,which is rolled up,and tied under the bird‘s wing.


The pigeon,like all other birds,has hollow bones.With its strong horny bill it cracks the husks of the seeds on which it lives.Its wings and tail are covered with long feathers,called quills,which help it to fly.Its down keeps it warm.All the different kinds of pigeons are related to the wild,blue rock-pigeon.The carrier-pigeon is used for carrying messages;it sometimes flies a mile in a minute.





①Parent birds,father and mother.









