
第18章 兔子(2)

1.One fine summer day,as Tom stood by the side of a pond full of water,his father said to him,“Tom,on the day when you can run across this pond,on the top of thewater,I shall give you a penny.”

2.Now Tom had been born in a hot country called India,and he had just come to live inBritain;so he laughed,and said,“I shall never earn that penny,father,for no one can walk on the water!”

3.But the winter came,and then the water froze,and the pond was covered with ice.Tom soon found that he could run about on the solid water,and very quickly he ran across the pond and claimed his penny.

4.At first he found the ice so smooth and slippery that he often fell;but he soon learned to slide and to skate on it as well as any of you can do.

5.Let us break off a piece of the ice,and put it in a glass by the side of the fire.As the ice grows warm,it melts,and soon we have a glass half full of water.A lump of ice has a shape of its own;it is a solid.But the water has no shape;it is a liquid.

6.Ice is transparent,like water;that is to say,we can see through it.Small pieces of ice have no colour,but large blocks of ice have a pale blue colour.

7.Water in a pond always freezes first on the top.And the ice does not sink to the bottom,but floats on the top.This shows that the ice is lighter than the water.

8.If we freeze a pint of water,we shall get a little more than a pint of ice.Perhaps the water-A GLACIER(一道冰河)pipes in your house have burst when the weather has been very cold.It was the changeof the water into solid ice that burst them.The liquid water just filled the pipes;but when it turned into ice,it needed more room,and to get that room it burst the pipes.

9.Little lumps of ice sometimes fall from the sky,and are called hail.In some countries the snow is so deep on the hills,that the weight of the snow above squeezes the snow below intoice.This ice slides slowly down the valleys,like a river of ice.Ice-rivers are called glaciers.

10.Some glaciers reach right

down to the sea;and then great pieces of ice break off from the end of the glacier and float away in the sea.These big pieces of ice are called icebergs.IcebergAN ICEBERG(一座冰山)means ice-mountain.


Ice is water frozen hard.It is a solid,and,like water or glass,is transparent.Large blocks of ice are of a pale blue colour.Water always freezes first on the top.The ice does not sink,because it is lighter than water.When water freezes it takes up more space.Little lumps of ice falling from the sky are called hail.Snow pressed into ice and sliding down a valley is called a glacier or ice-river.Large pieces of ice floating in the sea are called icebergs or ice-mountains.










