
第12章 猫

I hope you have a nice pussy at home,and that you are good to her.Take her on your knee and look at her.How she purrs when you stroke her back!

2.Puss is covered with fur,which keeps her warm.The fur is made of short,straight hairs;and when pussy is angry,the hairsall stand up,and make her look very big and fierce.

3.The cat has a round head,with small

and pointed ears.She can move her ears about,and if she hears a sound she turns them so as to hear it better.

4.Look at the eyes of the cat.In the middle of each eye,just as in our own eyes,there is a black spot called the pupil,through which the light goes in.

5.When the cat is in a dark place,the pupil opens till it is big and round,and so it lets in a great deal of light.That is why the catA HAPPY FAMILY(幸福的家庭)sees better in the dark than we do.But when the cat is in the sunlight,the pupil shuts,till it becomes only a narrow slit.

6.You can hardly hear pussy when she walks,because she has soft pads under her toes.That is agood thing for the cat,because,if the mice heard her,they would run away.

7.Look at her long whiskers.What is the use of them?They are her feelers,and they let her know if there is anything in the way,when she is creeping along in the dark.

8.Open pussy‘s lips gently,and look at her teeth.Four of them are very long,and areused for tearing her food.The other teeth are like little chisels,and are used for cutting the food into small pieces.

9.Have you ever let a cat lick your hand?If you have,you will know how rough her tongue is.With this rough tongue she can scrape off all the meat from the bones you give her.She also uses her tongue as a brush to clean her fur.

10.The toes of the cat have long,sharp claws.But each claw has a sheath which covers it and keeps it sharp.Pussy puts out her claws only when she wishes to take hold of something,or to scratch.

11.Baby cats are called kittens.The mother cat takes great care of her kittens;and they need it at first,for they cannot see till they are nine days old.When cats are pleased,they make a funny noise called purring.

12.In some places men go about every day selling cats’meat.They cry,“Cats‘meat!cats’meat!”as they go along the streets.The cats know the men‘s cry,and run out to them for their dinner.


The cat is covered with fur.It has a round head and pointed ears.Its eyes are so made that it can see in the dark as well as in the light.On each side of the cat’s head are long whiskers,with which it feels its way.It has four longteeth for tearing its food;the others are for cutting it into small pieces.With its rough tongue it can scrape off meat from bones.On its toes are long,sharp claws,with which puss can take hold of anything,or scratch.When pleased the cat purrs.Young cats are called kittens.










