
第107章 面粉与面包(2)











④现代科学中,面筋的学名叫“谷蛋白”(amorphous protein)。

⑤碳酸气是俗称,学名是我们很熟悉的二氧化碳(carbon dioxide)。




1.This lesson is going to be about our own selves-about our bodies.Every one wants to have a nice-looking and healthy body,which will live a long time.So we ought to learn about our bodies,in order that we may know how to take care of them.

2.The body,as we can easily see,consists of a large central part or trunk,which has on the top of it a round ball,called the head.To the four corners of the trunk are attached①the limbs.

The limbs are in two pairs-an upper pair,called the arms,and a lower pair,called the legs.

3.The outside of the body is entirely covered by the skin,which varies from one-eighth of an inch to one quarter of an inch in thickness.This skin contains many thousands of tiny holes called pores,out of which sweat or perspiration is always coming.To keep these pores open,we must wash our skin often and well.If we allow the pores to be always closed up with dirt and sweat,we shall soon begin to feel ill.

4.The nails on our fingers and toes are only parts of the skinwhich have grown very hard.The teeth,also,are very hard pieces①Attached,joined.

of the skin of our gums,although they look more like bone than skin;and even the hairs of our head are only pieces of the skin which have grown very long and thread-like.

5.Have you ever counted your teeth?A very young baby has no teeth which you can see,for its teeth are hidden inside its gums.They begin to grow through the soft gums,and the first teeth peepout like little pearls①when baby isa few months old.By the time the child is two years old,it has got its first complete set of teeth.These are called “milk-teeth;”they are twenty in number,ten being in the upper jaw and ten in the lower.

6.In a few years more the milk-teeth begin to go.Another set of teeth,called the permanent teeth,is growing,one under each of the milk-teeth,and pushing out the first set.Some new teeth also grow behind the milk-teeth at each side of the mouth.The new teeth are thirty-two in number,there being sixteen in each jaw.The tooth farthest back at each side of each jaw is the last to grow.You will not have these four back teeth until you are about twenty-one years of age,and so these teeth are called your “wisdom-teeth.”

7.Permanent means “lasting,”and these second or permanent teeth ought to last you all the rest of your life.But to make them last,you must take care of them by brushing them at least twice every day with a toothbrush.Be sure to use your teeth well in chewing your food;for if you swallow your food half chewed-or “bolt”it,as people say-you will be sure to be ill and to suffer pain.

①Pearls,small,white,and shining gems,found in some shell-fish.

8.Can you feel under your skin the lumps of firm red flesh which are called muscles?Feel the strong muscle in your upper arm,and notice how it becomes harder and shorter and thickeras your lower arm is raised,and how it relaxes①as the arm is straightened again.In thewhole of your body there are about four hundred such muscles.

9.Underneath the muscles you can feel something harder still-your bones.There are about two hundred separate bones in your body.The ends of many of these bones are joined together by strong bands.All the bones taken together form what is called the skeleton②.

10.The ends of some of the muscles are fastened to the bones by strong cords or strings called sinews.As the muscles contract③,they move the bones which are fastened to them;and this is the way in which our legs are made to move when we are walking,and our hands when we are working.


The body consists of the head,the trunk,and the limbs.The outside of the body is entirely covered by the skin,which varies in thickness,and contains a great number of small pores,through which the perspiration passes.The nails,teeth,and hair have all grown from the skin.A child’s first set of teeth is called the milk-teeth.They are twenty in number.In a few years these teeth are replaced by thirty-two permanent teeth.The teeth should be well used in chewing food.Under the skin are the muscles,of which there are about four①Relaxes,slackens.

②Skeleton,framework;the bones of an animal without skin or flesh.

③Contract,draw together.

hundred in the body.Underneath the muscles are the bones,which number about two hundred.The muscles are fastened to the bones by sinews.





