
第8章 Compus Life大学生活

Most people like to go to college not only because they can get better education and can obtain useful knowledge there, but also because they enjoy colourful college life.

Most people like to go to college not only because they can get better education and can obtain useful knowledge there, but also because they enjoy colourful college life. This is why those who have had a college experience always say that college life is unforgettable all their life.




How colourful in the world is college life then? Im afraid that few people can describe it perfectly in a few words.

If you are interested in it, youd better go by person and see how college students spend their time at college.

Generally speaking, most college students are happy to take part in various colourful and interesting extracurricularcurricular adj.课程的 activities, besides study.

Take athletic sports for example. Nearly every college or university holds school sports regularly per year. Any student who has athletic ability or is fond of sports may have the opportunity to display his or her prowessprowess n.威力 at the school sports.





Since most students know that sufficientsufficient adj.充分的, 足够的 knowledge and sound mind can hardly be achieved without good health, they take active part in physical exercises consciously at ordinary times. In general, a college or university can usually offer good sports facilities to students, e.g. a sports ground, a football ground, running tracks, swimming pools, and so on.

Students can enjoy a lot from many other interesting cultural activities and recreationsrecreation n.消遣, 娱乐 apart from sports. Various concerts, academic lectures and exhibitions of arts are often held at college, and there may be some wonderful shows occassionally.

As for recreations, there are so many that we lose count of them. There are always various student associations at college. Many cultural activities and recreations at college are usually under the auspices of these associations.




You may find a student glee club or even a student orchestra in some of the colleges and universities. The musical instruments in the orchestraorchestra n.管弦乐队, 乐队演奏处 are usually provided by the college authorities. There may be a weekly promprom n.正式舞会 in some colleges and universities. Sometimes, there may also be a weekly prom even in a department, which is usually sponsored by the classes of the department in turnin turn adv.依次, 轮流, or by the department authorities.

In addition, students, too, often organize plenty of amusementsamusement n.娱乐, 消遣, 娱乐活动 by themselves in their spare time. They may go on a picnicpicnic n.野餐 in groups at the weekend or on Sundays, or simply go out for sightseeingsightseeing n.观光. There may be a lot of gatherings at the weekend, and there may also be various sports matches.



The college library wont be closed even on Sundays. Girl students usually like to go shopping on Sundays, while boy students may be interested in going to the movies. Some students may engageengage vt.使忙碌, 雇佣, 预定, 使从事于, 使参加 themselves in community services at the weekend or on Sundays, while others may spend the time doing some parttime jobs to earn some money.

In a word, college life is really colourful beyond descriptionbeyond description无法形容.


