
第4章 On Learning Foreign Languages外语学习(1)

I have my own system for learning foreign languages, which is based upon a profound knowledge of the human heart.

After spending a couple of weeks talking to Americans in MoscowMoscow n.莫斯科(俄罗斯首都), and listening through a wall to the life of the Russians. I decided to learn the language. I did not want to collect bits of secondhand information. I did not want information.





I wanted the feeling of life under a proletarianproletarian adj.无产阶级的 dictatorshipdictatorship n.专政, and there was only one way to get it.

I had been puttering along with my grammar and with Lhermontov and Pushkin, reading at them in the same dreadful way that we used to read at Horace and Virgil. That was not learning anything.

I have my own system for learning foreign languages, which is based upon a profoundprofound adj.深刻的, 意义深远的, 渊博的, 造诣深的 knowledge of the human heart. And I will be here with some reservations impart to the reader.

The first thing to do is to go to the capital of the country where the language is spoken, and buy a grammar, two little red dictionaries, and a railroad ticket. The railroad ticket should take you as far away from the capital as possible, clear out of the sound of your own language, and preferable to a summer resortsummer resort n. 避暑圣地.





The reason for this is that you are going to have a good time, and you need company.

On the train, on the way to your summer resort, you have some hard work to do. It is the only work called for by my system, and it has to be done thoroughlythoroughly adv.十分地, 彻底地.

You have to learn the name in the language under considerationunder consideration 在考虑中 for “noun”, “adjective”, “verb”, “participle”, “conjunction”, “pronoun”, and “preposition”. And if you do not know in your own language just what these wonders are, you have to find out.

And then you have to learn to say, “What does that mean?” and “What is the word for this?”, and a few handy remarks like “Do you speak English?”, “Do you speak French?”, “Do you speak German?”, “Do you speak Italian?”, “Its too bad”, and “Lets take walk.”




然后,你得学会说:“那是什么意思?”和“这在俄语中怎么说?”以及一些常用的话:“你会讲英语吗?”,“你会讲法语吗?”,“你会讲德语吗?”,“你会讲意大利语吗?”, “噢,这太糟糕了!”,“我们一块儿走走好吗?”。

With that equipment you go into the diningroom of the principal hotel in your summer resort, and pick out your teacher.

You may do this quite boldlyboldly adv.大胆地, 显眼地, if you have equipped yourself as I direct, for you have a power to ensnareensnare v.诱捕 that teacher which reaches beyond the charms of your personality.

Moreovermoreover adv.而且, 此外, it is advisableadvisable adj. 可取的,明智的 to have an eye to her physical beauties, for you are going to spend a good deal of time gazinggaze v.盯, 凝视 on them in comparativecomparative adj.比较的, 相当的 silence.




After dinner you may go and lean up against a pillarpillar n.柱,柱子;栋梁, or the railing of a little footbridge in the garden, or somewhere—I need not be too specific about this—and when she comes by, you will say in your poor broken tongue and with a forlorn expression, “MademoiselleMademoiselle n. (Fr.) 小姐, do you speak English?”

When she says “No,” you will heave a sigh and say, “Do you speak German?”

At a second “No,” your expression will become disconsolatedisconsolate adj.孤独的, 郁郁不乐的, and you will say, “Do you speak French?”

At a third “No” you show real consternationconsternation n.惊愕, 恐怖, 惊惶失措, and offer to speak Italian, or BohemianBohemian n.波希米亚语, or Chinese, or what you will.





If God is with you, she will declinedecline v.拒绝, 衰落 all these offers, and you will find that she is at once seriously distresseddistress v.使悲痛, 使穷困, 使忧伤 over your plightplight n.情况, 状态, 困境, 盟誓(婚姻), and in a somewhat humbledhumble vt. 使……卑下,挫,贬抑 condition as to her own talentstalent n.天才, 才干, 才能.

You will find, if I am not mistaken, that you are already taking a walk with her, and you may assumeassume vt 假定,设想,采取,呈现 that her next statement is, “Too bad you havent a Russian dictionary,” or something to that effect.

At the sound of these words—no matter how bad they sound—you will produce your two little red books, and hand her the one marked “RussianEnglish”.




Here the work, properly so called, comes to an end. She will be very curiouscurious adj.好奇的, 求知的, 古怪的, 爱挑剔的 to see what the words in your language look like, and she will examine the little red book and pretty soonpretty soon 不久 point to a word, probably the word “hot”, or something equally uninteresting under ordinary circumstances.

Under these circumstances it acquires the charm of an incantationincantation n.咒语. It begins to open just by something less than the shadow of a hairs breadth the gate of a possible romance.

You both know that that gate will be a long, long time in opening. And you both know, if you have reached years of some discretiondiscretion n.判断力, that when it is once wide open, the romance is gone. For there is no such thing as romance—it is only the expectation of itself.


