
第1章 Flying Your Dream放飞梦想(1)

People with a dream act differently than nondreamers. Dreamers develop an attitude that radiates energy; they have a sense of purpose and meaning to their lives.

Public schools are supposed to remove barriers so people can succeed. For some, the system does remove remove vt.移动, 开除, 移交 barriers barrier n.(阻碍通道的)障碍物, 栅栏, 屏障 and provide a solid base for achievement. For others, the system replaces one set of barriers with another.




For example, creativity creativity n.创造力, 创造 is killed by pressuring students to accept the status quo status quo n.现状, by establishing a fear to be different and a fear of failure. Independent thinking is replaced by dependency dependency n.依靠, 信赖, 从属, 从属物, 属国, 属地.

In some cases, pressure to excel in excel in v.在……方面胜过 academics kills ethics ethics n.偶尔, 道德规范, loyalty and motivation motivation n.动机, skills needed for success in the real world. People who have a vision, that motivates them, can overcome all barriers with integrity integrity n.正直, 诚实, 完整, 完全, 完整性 intact intact adj.完整无缺的, 尚未被人碰过的, (女子)保持童贞的, (家畜)未经阉割的.



My story begins in Summit, NJ, at the age of sixteen, where I am sitting in a classroom starring out the window.

Out of the first window I could see myself exploring the jungles jungle n.丛林, 生死关头 of South America searching for gold, I could see myself drifting drift v.(使)漂流 down the Amazon Amazon n.亚马逊河(南美洲大河) River on a raft raft n.筏, 救生艇, 橡皮船, 大量, I could see monkeys swinging through the trees, I could see myself as Tarzan Tarzan n. 泰山(美国影片人猿泰山的主人公) swinging on a vine.

Through the next window, I could see the bow of my sailboat plowing through the towering waves, heading toward the South Pacific. I could see myself on a white sand beach chasing chase v.追逐,追赶;赶走,驱逐 girls.




Then BANG! The teachers yardstick yardstick n. <美> 码尺, 准绳 hitting my desk brought me back to the real world where subjects did not relate to relate to v.涉及 my interest and dreamers are related to dummies dummy n.哑巴, 傀儡, 假人, 假货. In a loud voice the teacher said, “You are a failure! If you dont pay attention you will continue to be a failure!”

When the bell rang, instead of going to the next class I walked out of school never to return. I was tired of being called a failure. Right or wrong, I took charge of my future. When I left school, I carried the single most important element for success… A DREAM. During the next twenty years, every one of my teenage dreams came true.

You may be asking, “How does one make their dreams come true?” There are three elements:




First—We must have a dream that motivates motivate v.激发 us. No one has ever achieved anything without a dream attached to a burning desire.

Second—We must learn howtolearn. In school, we learn how to memorize memorize v.[亦作memorise] 记住, 记忆 or be taught. Learning how to learn frees our dependency on others for knowledge.

Third—We must learn from failure and learn how to bounce bounce v.(使)反跳, 弹起, (指支票)被银行退票 back from failure. No one ever succeed without failure. In the classroom, failure is a nono.

In my early teens, I read the book KonTiki. This is a story about six Norwegians Norwegian n.挪威人, 挪威语 sailing a raft across the Pacific Ocean. Their adventure inspired my dream of duplicating duplicate vt.复写, 复制, 使加倍, 使成双 their raft voyage.
