
第23章 旅行宝典Travel Guide(1)

Art and Architecture of Greece希腊建筑与艺术






The art and architecture of ancient Greece have greatly influenced Western art through the present day. ByzantineByzantine adj.东罗马帝国的, 拜占庭式的 n.拜占庭人, 拜占庭派的建筑师, 画家 art and architecture also played an important role in early Christianity, and remain a significant influence in the Orthodox Christian nations of Eastern Europe and Eurasia. Yet, due to the ravages of history, only a minor assortmentassortment n.分类 of ancient Greek art has survived - most often in the forms of sculpture and architecture and minor arts, including coin design, pottery and gem engravingengraving n.雕刻术, 雕版, 雕版图.


Remains of ancient Greek architecture still survive or are well documented today alongside more modern examples.

The ancient Greeks developed two primary styles (or “Classical orders”); the restrained and solid Doric and the refined and decorated Ionic. It should be noted that the IonicIonic adj.爱奥尼亚式的 style eventually evolved into the more ornate Corinthian style.

The form of ancient Greek temples, a rectangularrectangular adj.矩形的, 成直角的 shape, surrounded by colonnades surmounted by a triangular pediment, built from limestone or marble, remains a popular style to date. While the arch was familiar to the Greeks, it was not widely used, in contrast to later Roman buildings. Surviving examples of ancient Greek architecture include the Parthenon and the Erechtheum in Athens, and Roman structures based on the Greek model, such as the Pantheon in Rome.

Painting and Sculpture

The Greeks, like most European cultures, regarded painting as the highest form of art. Although the names of ancient Greek painters are known, such as Polygnotus, Aetion and ApellesApelles 阿佩利斯(公元前4世纪希腊画家,曾给马其顿的腓力二世及亚历山大大帝充当宫廷画师), examples of ancient Greek paintings are very rare. Greek painters worked mainly on wooden panels. The finest works were admired for hundreds of years after their creation. However, these paintings rapidly disappeared after the 4th century A.D. when they were no longer adequately protected. In addition to substandard Roman copies, for example in Pompeii, rare survivingsurviving 继续存在的,未死的,依然健在的 examples have been found in the tombs of the kings of Macedon at Vergina, at Lefcadia also in ancient Macedon, as well as Kazanlak in ancient Thrace.

Surviving examples of the ancient Greek sculpture are more common, particularly the works of the Greek master sculptors, such as Phidias and Praxiteles. These artists and their followers were frequently emulatedemulate n.仿效 by the Romans. However, the Christians of the 4th and 5th centuries viewed the destruction of pagan idols as an act of piety. Many ancient marble sculptures were burned to form lime in the Middle Ages, and most bronze statues were melted down for their metal. The marble statues that escaped destruction were spared as they were either buried and forgotten, or in the case of bronzes, lost at sea.

Greece Dining健康的传统希腊饮食



传统希腊饮食包含大量水果、蔬菜、果仁、橄榄及橄榄油﹔比较其他地中海国家,吃较多芝士、鱼肉、谷类,多吃酵母面包(sourdough bread)及葡萄酒。以上饮食方式提供维他命E及C和纤维素,亦有来自葡萄酒、橄榄油、蔬果的丰富抗氧化物质,亦有优质脂肪如单元不饱和脂肪和奥米加三脂肪酸,集合种种保健物质,形成了防癌防心脏病的保健好处。




Greece food and wine is famous for its good quality products and the amazing taste of its food and wines.

Some dishes are the same everywhere in Greece and the Greek Islands, whereas some others are local culinaryculinary adj.厨房的, 烹调用的, 厨房用的 specialties or same dishes cooked in different manners (in islands, Crete, Thessaloniki, etc).

Food, for the Greeks, had all sorts of religious and philosophicalphilosophical adj.哲学的 meaning. The Greeks, to begin with, never ate meat unless it had been sacrificedsacrifice n.牺牲, 献身, 祭品, 供奉 v.牺牲, 献出, 献祭, 供奉 to a god, or had been hunted in the wild. They believed that it was wrong to kill and eat a tame, domesticated animal without sacrificing it to the gods. Even with vegetables, many Greeks believed that particular foods were cleaner or dirtier, or that certain gods liked certain foods better than others. The Pythagoreans, for example, would not eat beans. But even if you were not a Pythagorean, the Greeks tended to think of the god Dionysos whenever they drank wine (which was often), and to think of Demeter and Perse phone whenever they ate bread.

Greeks ate mainly the Mediterranean triad, wheat (or barley or millet), wine, and olive oil. They also grew vegetables, especially legumeslegume n.豆类, 豆荚 (lentils, beans, peas, chickpeas). Possibly they ate more fish than most other Mediterranean people. Also, because of their feelings about sacrificing meat, they may have eaten meat less than other people did.