
第74章 菜名(18)

赛螃蟹crab flavored fish;sautéed duck egg yolks with fish meat

芫爆鳝鱼片sautéed sliced eel with coriander

糟溜鳕鱼sautéed codfish fillets with rice wine sauce

番茄鱼片sautéed sliced fish in tomato sauce

糟溜三白sautéed three white slices (chicken,fish and bamboo shoots) with rice wine sauce

爆炒鳝鱼丝stir fried shreded eel

山东家常焖桂鱼braised mandarin fish in brown sauce,Shandong style

葱油泼多宝鱼steamed turbot with scallion oil

葱油泼牙片鱼steamed turbot with scallion oil

干烧牙片鱼dry braised turbot in brown sauce

葱油泼石斑鱼steamed sea bass with scallion oil

鸭汤醋椒鱼braised mandarin fish with chili pepper in duck bone soup

香辣脆鳝deep fried eel with chili and pepper

王府稣鱼deep fried fish with soy sauce

清蒸龙利steamed flounder

干煎龙利pan fried flounder

时菜鱼片stir fried sliced fish with seasonal vegetable

煎鲳鱼pan fried pomfret

马鲛鱼pan fried mackerel

如意鳗卷fried eel rolls

葱烧鳗鱼braised eel with scallion

三杯鳗鱼eel with three cups sauce;eel with ginger and wine sauce

凤城煎鱼脯fried salted fish fillets

韭黄鳝片sautéed sliced eel with chives

红鲟米糕steamed red sturgeon with glutinous rice

豆瓣烧大黄鱼braised large yellow croaker in bean sauce

豉汁蒸白鳝steamed eel with black bean sauce

清蒸白鳝steamed eel

如意炸白鳝S shapped fried eel

大蒜烧白鳝braised eel with garlic

川汁烧白鳝stewed eel in gravy,Sichuan style

咖喱焗鲟baked sturgeon in curry sauce

椒香鳝段sautéed eel with peppers

板栗烧鳝段braised eel with chestnuts

豉汁煎焗塘虱pan fried catfish with black bean sauce

蒸金钱片塘虱steamed catfish

辣汁串烧鱼barbecued fish kebab with chili sauce

西兰炒雪鱼球sautéed codfish balls with broccoli

菜远石斑球sautéed sea bass balls with green vegetable

油泡石斑球fried sea bass balls

川味石斑球sea bass balls,Sichuan style

咕噜石斑球sweet and sour sea bass balls

鱼腐扒菜胆braised fish curd with green vegetable

洋葱煮鱼boiled fish with onion;poached fish with onion

榄仁炒鱼环sautéed minced dace with olive seeds

黑椒鳝球sautéed eel balls with black pepper

香辣芙蓉鱼spicy sliced fish with egg white

水煮鱼poached fish in hot chili oil

香煎黄板刁pan fried catfish

锅仔鱼籽stewed fish roe

清蒸武昌鱼steamed wuchang fish;steamed blunt snout bream

红烧带鱼braised hairtail in brown sauce

酸汤鱼fish in sour soup

蜜豆百合炒鱼菘sautéed fish floss with sweetened beans and lily bulbs

酸辣鲶鱼hot and sour catfish

铁板饼子焖鱼braised fish with pancake served on sizzling iron plate

韭香武昌鱼Wuchang fish with chinese chives

松子黄鱼yellow croaker with pine nuts

野山珍鲈鱼perch with mushrooms

烤鲶鱼roasted fresh catfish

酸辣鳝丝hot and sour shredded eel

扁鱼白菜braised dried silver carp with chinese cabbage

清蒸游水石斑steam live rock cod

清蒸海鲈steamed pomfret

碧绿生鱼球fish balls with green vegetables

豉油蒸鳜鱼steamed mandarin fish in soy sauce

八宝蒸河鳗[粤]steamed eel with eight treasures

大蒜鲶鱼[川]catfish with garlic

干烧比目鱼turbot in chilli sauce

干烧鳊鱼bream fish in chilli sauce

干烧鲜鱼fresh fish with pepper sauce

干烧鲤鱼carp in chilli sauce

五柳活鲜鱼[粤]fish in sweet and sour sauce

瓦块鱼stewed sliced fish

奶油鲳鱼steamed pomfret with cream sauce

年年有鱼;年年有余five flavored fish;cubed fish and lotus roots

剁椒鱼咀stir fried fish mouth with chopped pepper

沙锅鱼头煲braise fish head in clay pot

韭菜花炒银鱼stir fried whitebait with chives

三丝敲鱼[粤]fried fish with three shreds(shredded mushrooms,prepared chicken breast and ham)

辣椒泡鱼pickled grass carp with red chilli

菊花鱼丸chrysanthemum and fish ball

煎丸子fried balls

三菇浸鱼云braised fish head with three mushrooms;cooked whole sea bass with cross slitclltting

生炊麒麟鱼steamed fish like kylin skin

白汁鲳鱼pomfret with white sauce

辣子锅巴脆皮鱼丁hot rice crust and crisp fish cubes

古法扣全瑞braised whole turtle

麒麟石斑steamed live garoupa with mushrooms and ham

金腿鲫鱼steamed crucian with jinhua ham

蜜豆鱼片fried sweeten beans and grass carp slices

鄱湖银鱼丝Buoyanghu whitebait slices

干煸鳝鱼丝dry fried shreded eel

干蒸黄鳍金枪鱼steamed yellow fin tuna

蛤蜊汆鲫鱼quick boiled crucian with clam

菊花鱼deep fried fish in shape of chrysanthemum

莲蓬鱼steamed mashed fish in shape of lotus seedpod

腌鲜桂鱼salted mandarin fish

奶汁肥王鱼stewed feiwang fish in white sauce

葡萄鱼deep fried fish in shape of grape

时菜斑球fried rock cod with vegetable

豉汁斑球stewed rock cod with black bean sauce

椒盐龙利球fried flounder with pepper salt

香煎鲫鱼pan fried crucian

(2)虾类菜肴(Shrimp Dishes)

豆腐虾tofu &; shrimps

椒盐虾spicye salt prawns

豉椒虾black bean sauce prawns

时菜虾vegetable prawns

烧明虾broiled prawns with chili sauce

盐焗虾salted shrimps

油爆虾sauteed shrimps

铁扒龙虾grilled lobster

椒盐明虾prawns with spiced salt

腰果虾仁fried/sautéed shrimps with cashew nuts

笋炒虾仁fried shrimps with bamboo shoots

泰式凤梨虾仁stir fried shrimp with pineapple,Thai style

四川炒虾球fried shrimp ball,Sichuan style

菜远炒虾球fried shrimp ball with vegetable

柠檬炒虾球fried shrimp ball with lemon juice

酸甜咕噜虾fried shrimp with sweet &; sour sauce

蒜蓉蒸龙虾steamed lobster with minced garlic

鲜奶炒虾仁fried shrimps with milk

果律虾球prawn balls with salad and fruit

银杏白玉fried shrimps with gingko

葵花虾饼shrimp cake in shape of sunflower

香炸琵琶虾fried prawns in loquat shape

燕巢凤尾虾fried prawns in shape of phoenix tail with potafo shreds

夹心虾糕layer shelled shrimps cakel;sandwich shrimp cake

干煎大虾fried prawn repeatedly;dry fried prawn

双色虾仁fried two color shelled shrimps

沙锅对虾stewed prawn in terrine

炸芝麻虾fried prawn with sesame

枇杷虾fried shrimp shaped loquat

美味鹅肝虾fried shrimps with goose liver

龙眼虾仁fried longan and shrimp

抓炒虾片stir fried prawns

五味明虾片fried prawn with five flavor;fried spiced prawns

炸珍珠虾fried pearl shrimps

香满脆环虾crisp fried shelled shrimps

荔枝虾球fried shrimp balls with litchi sauce

芝麻虾球shrimps ball with sesame

脆薯凤尾虾fried mashed potato and shrimp meat;crispy shrimp coted with mashed sweet potato and starched egg white

滑蛋虾仁fried shrimp with scrambled egg

车前子油焖虾fried shrimp with plantago

山药炒虾仁fried shrimps with yam

甘柠芝麻虾fried prawn with sesame

香辣脆皮明虾crisp prawn with hot sauce

生炊龙虾steamed lobster

虾胶龙凤卷minced shrimp rolls

锅贴明虾fried fresh prawns on toast

吉利香蕉虾圆banana and shrimp ball

高丽虾丸prawn balls in Korean style

挂绿虾丸prawn balls with vegetable

陈皮大虾orange flavoured prawns

碧玉珠虾boiled fresh water shrimp

酥炸百花球crispy fried shrimp ball

蒜蓉蟠龙虾prawns in garlic sauce/with minced garlic