
第38章 Unit 14(1)

Te xt A

The Impor tance of Being Kind and Polite


Study of the Text

1.Unless you want to end a relationship, you don’t tell another person

what you think of her or him like this. 除非你想断绝关系, 否则, 你不会用这种语言告诉对方你对他的印象。

1 )连词unless 在这里引导一个条件状语从句, 在意义上相当于if .not, 因此, 在有些场合, 由if 引导的否定条件状语从句往往

可为unless 引导的肯定条件状语从句所取代。

Unless you tell him yourself, he’ll lose faith in you completely.

除非你亲自告诉他, 否则他将对你完全失去信任。

She wouldn’t sing it if she hadn ’t learnt it. = she wouldn’t sing it

unless she had learnt it. 除非她学会了, 否则她不会唱这支歌。

2 )本句的主句是双宾语句型。直接宾语是what you think of her or him。间接宾语是another person。

3 )think of 想到, 想起

I wonder who thought of this idea first.


He couldn’t think of anything to say. 他想不起什么话说。

4 )like 在这里是介词, 意思是“ 像..一样”。

Why don’t you take things easy, like me?


Like his father before him, he gave up business for politics.

像他父亲在他之前所做的那样, 他弃商从政。

2.Failing to be impressed.that educated people try not to do. 对朋友收藏的邮票你提不起兴趣, 当一个高尔夫球员讲述他在打第十四个球洞时如何打出漂亮的一击的时候, 你却张嘴打哈欠, 或者当朋友们展示他们去苏圣马丽旅游的照片的时候, 你却酣然入梦, 这些行为都是有教养的人尽可能避免的。

1 )fail to 没有能够, 没有

Can anyone fa il to see what kind of show they are putting on?


I failed to see him. He was out. 我没见到他, 他出去了。

2 )impress 在这里是个及物动词, 意思是“ 留下印象”。

He impressed them as a modest and amiable comrade.


We’re very much impressed by what you’ve told us.


3 )介词on 在这里指一个地方或物体是行为的接受者。

She knocked on the door. 她敲门。

They sat down on the seat. 他们在座位上坐下来。

4 )fall 在这里是个连系动词, 意思是“ 进入某种状态”。

Last week she fell ill from cold. 上星期她着凉生病了。

A few years ago, he fell a victim to cancer.几年前他患了癌症。

5 )介词to 在这里指目的地。

I am going to Edinburgh tomorrow. 我明天将去爱丁堡。

They always went to Paris for their summer holidays.


3.Yet we cannot interact with others without some rules of behaviour, rules that are set by some form of social consensus. 但我们都遵循着一定的行为准则与别人交往, 这些准则是由一定形式的社会公德确定的。

1 )介词without 在这里意思是“ 缺乏, 没有, 无”。

For several days they were without food. 他们几天没吃东西。

We are still without news of the missing vessel.


2 )rules that.在句中作some rules 的同位语。同位语就是一个名词(或起类似作用的其他东西), 放在另一个名词或代词的后面, 起补充说明的作用。

You girls may take those seats over there.


This is Mr.Zhou, director of our hospital.


3 )set 在这里是个及物动词, 意思是“ 规定, 确定”。

She always set a strict demand on herself. 她一贯严格要求自己。

You have set us a difficult task. 你给我们布置了一项艰巨任务。

4.Rude people are those whose behavior shows little respect for the

rules that majority follow. 举止粗鲁的人就是那些不按照大多数人所遵循的准则行事的人。

1 )respect for 尊重, 敬重

Children should show respect for their teachers.


He has no respect for his promises. 他不重视他的谎言。

2 )follow 在这里是个及物动词, 意思是“ 遵循, 照..办”。

We have got to follow the state plan. 我们必须遵循国家的计划。

By following his methods, they doubled the output.

用他的办法, 他们使产量翻了一番。

3 )辨异: behaviour , conduct, n.

这组词均可表示“举止, 行为”的意思。

behavior 举止, 行为。含义广泛, 在日常用法上多表示好的或坏的社交行为;当作专门术语使用时, 指个人或集体的可供社会学家、心理学家研究的行为。

Her beha viour was becoming more than ever strange.


The naturalists studied the behaviour of lions in their habitat.


conduct 品行, 行为, 举止。正式用语。可以指正当的或不正当的行为, 但范围比behaviour 一词窄, 暗指遵守或违反一些既定法则或伦理道德的行为。

She always got the good conduct of prize. 她经常获品行优良奖。

The boss dismissed Bob because of his conduct.

老板解雇了鲍勃, 因为他行为不端。

5.For instance, because they talk at home while the television is on,

many people think they can talk at movies as well. 例如, 好多人在家里看电视时讲话, 故而认为看电影时也可以讲话。

1 )at home 在家里

I’ve left my book at home. 我把我的书留在家里了。

Is there anybody at home?有人在家吗?

2 )介词on 在这里表示“ 正从事某项工作”的意思。

At the moment I am on a rather difficult piece of work. 现在我正在做一件相当困难的工作。

He has just published one novel and is already on a second.

他刚刚出版了一本小说, 又在写第二本了。

3 )as well 和, 并, 也

Give me those as well. 把那些也给我。

He gave me advice and money as well. 他给我忠告, 并给我钱。

6.A new class of rude people has been born.as smoke is to our lungs.

移动电话产生了一批新型的举止不雅的人: 他们只想着“ 瞧咱多神气”, 其无聊言谈对人心灵有如抽烟对人的肺脏一样, 危害甚大。

1 )class 在这里是名词, 意思是“ 种, 类, 类别”。

As an actor A is not the same cla ss with B.

作为一个演员而论, 甲不如乙。

2 )“ as + 形容词或副词原形+ as“ 结构中, 前一个as 是副词, 后一个as 是连词, 意思是“ 和..一样”。

I ’m a s tall as you. 我和你一般高。

Is it as difficult a s they say it is?


在否定句里, 常以so 代替as:

It’s not so difficult a s I expected. 它并不如我所预料的那样难。

7.They swear no matter who is around them, they listen to their alkman while the teacher is talking to them. 他们不顾身边的人而随便说脏话;老师跟他们讲话时, 他们仍沉湎于随身听的乐曲中。

1 )no matter + wh-引导条件一个让步状语从句, 相当于引导词“wh-词+ -ever”。

No ma tter what I did (= whatever I did), no one paid any attention.

无论我做什么, 没有任何人注意。

Don’t believe the rumour , no matter who (= whoever)repeats it.

不管谁再讲, 你都不要相信这一谣传。

2 )listen to 倾听, 留心听

Listen to a broadcast programme! 听广播节目。

The boys heard their father’s voice but were not listening to what he was saying.


3 )辨异: while, as, when, conj.

这三个词都可引导时间状语从句, 均可译为“ 当.. 的时候”, 有时它们可以互换。

while 和as 只能指一般时间, 只能表示两个同时进行的动作;

when 可以指一个时间点, 也可以指一段时间, 可以表示两个动词一前一后紧接着发生。

As he said it, he laughed. 他一说就笑了。

You’d better not wake me up when you come in.


在指两个同时进行的长动作(或事情)多用while, 指两个同时进行的短暂的动作多用as。

I object to having loud music playing while I eat.


He came up as I was speaking. 正在说话的时候, 他来了。

8.Kids who have no idea what being polite means will pay the price sooner or later.


1 )who 引导的从句是个定语从句。who 是个关系代词, 在定语从句中作主语。

Do you know the man who came to see Xia o Yang this morning?


2 )have no idea 不知道

I ha ve no idea what I should do. 不知道我该干些什么?

3 )what 引导的名词性从句在句中作idea 的同位语成分。

4 )sooner or later 迟早

Our team will win sooner or la ter.我们队迟早会赢。

You will understand what he implies sooner or later.


9.When they join the work force, their employers and associates alike will soon realize that the behavior of these rude young people is closer to that animals than civilized individuals. 他们参加工作后, 老板和同事会觉得他们举止不是文明之人所为, 却与野蛮动物之举相仿。

1)本句中第一处that 引导宾语从句, 第二处that 指代the behaviour。

2 )force 在这里是个名词, 意思是“ 有组织和经过严格训练的团体。”

如: the armed forces of a country 一国之武装部队;join the forces 从军。

3 )alike 在这里是个副词, 意思是“ 同样地”。

He treats everybody a like. 他以同样方式对待每一个人。

Summer and winter alike are my unfavourite seasons.


4 )be closer to 与..相近的。比较级closer 的原形是close, 意思是“ 近的”。

He fired at close range. 他在近距离射击。

The two soldiers are fighting in close combat.


10. With manners, the best rule is the one that works.

至于礼貌, 最佳原则就是适用。

1 )介词with 在这里意思是“ 在与某人或某物有关的方面”。