
第4章 PartI(4)

8.It was very of you to let us know you were going to be late.

9.He put a arm around her shoulders.

10.The firm has achieved a position in the world market.

Text B

I.Word Definition.

Find in Column B descriptions that fit the words in Column A.


1.whisk A.a small book of cheques that your bank gives you.

2.flourish,B.feel attracted to.

3.dine, C.showing strong feelings of love.

4.romantic,D.a way of doing something that has been officially agreed and chosen by a political party, business, or other organization.

5.fancy E.take somewhere very quickly.

6.date F.to have a romantic relationship with someone.

7.policy G.eat dinner.

8.chequebook H.cause to feel a wave of excited feeling or nervous tremor.

9.thrill I.the level that is considered to be acceptable.

10.standard J.a showy movement or gesture, used esp.to attract attention.

II.Word Choices.

There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.

1.That pattern is too for me; I prefer the plain one.

A.ordinary,B.fancy, C.imaginary,D.ridiculous.

2.Very few plants will without water.

A.flourish,B.fade, C.stem,D.cultivate.

3.By signing the lease you made a(n ) to pay $300 a month rent.

A.commission,B.commitment, C.offer D.obligation.

4.That poor guy as a rich man though he owed more than he owned.

A.posed B.pretended, C.pleaded D.claimed.

5.Scientists only about life on other planets.

A.speculate,B.assume, C.presume D.guess.

6.Control of noise is a complex technology, and it is most when applied to the original design of the noisy source.

A.effective,B.responsible, C.wicked,D.considerable.

7.American women were the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.

A.ignored B.neglected, C.refused D.denied.

8.Please at your earliest convenience.

A.answer B.reflect, C.reply,D.respond.

9.He is quite sure that it s impossible for him to fulfill the task within two days.

A.fully,B.exclusively, C.absolutely,D.roughly.

10.The wealthy man sought to obtain social by contributing to popular charities.

A.pursuit,B.credit, C.prestige D.perfection.

III.Word Study.

The word“book”can have several meanings.Try to figure out the meaning of the word in each sentence and translate the underlined parts into proper Chinese.

1.An accountant will examine the company s books.

2.The quotation is from a book of the Old Testament.

3.The manager booked a magic show for Saturday night.

4.Tom showed me his book of stamps which he was quite proud of.

5.If you are in the book, I can find your number easily.

6.He s always careful to do things by the book.

IV.Phrases Study.

Fill in the blanks with the phrases or expressions given in the table.

go Dutch wind and dine long for get tired of carry on to one s horror take advantage of one s dream come true.

1.Our company spends millions clients every year, which caused much complaints from the staff.

2.I finally the routine at the office and quit the job.

3.When I woke up at midnight,, the whole building was on fire.

4.It was when I was eventually admitted by that college.

5.Westerners are used to when going out for a dinner.

6.Determined to as if everything were normal, he responded with a kind of indifference.

7.I felt that my friends were me as a free babysitter.

8.She the chance to speak to him in private.

Unit 3

Text A

Pre-class Activity

I.Word Definition.

Find in Column B descriptions that fit the words in Column A.


1.misfortune A.something which can t be explained or understood.

2.dim B.free from deceit and falseness.

3.sincere, C.feeling of strangeness, surprise, etc.

4.preside,D.to use something freely.

5.flavor E.natural feeling.

6.mystery F.bad luck.

7.instinct G.a taste.

8.wonder H.to make something easier or possible.

9.pave the way for I.make less bright.

10.at sb.s disposal J.to be in charge.

II.Word Spelling.

Spell the following words with the help of their definitions and the first letters.

1.m a state of the feelings at a particular time.

2.c meet face to face.

3.s make something stronger.

4.g to show someone the way by leading.

5.t the regular rise and fall of large areas of waters, esp,the sea,caused by the pull of the moon and sun.

6.e any of the strong feelings of the human spirit.

7.s the ability to share the feeling of another, feel pity.

8.d the time of day when light first appears.

9.a strong belief in one s ability and power.

10.w the quality of being wise.

III.Word Finding.

Cross out the word in each group that does not belong.

1.merely slightly only just.

2.weary tired aware exhausted.

3.dim visible blurred vague.

4.preserve keep retain refrain.

5.arouse rise excite rouse.

Class Activity

I.Word Choices.

There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.

1.Many people like white color as it is a of purity.

A.sign B.symbol, C.signal,D.symptom.

2.His parents shook their heads as he told them of his extraordinary journey down the Amazon.

A.with wonder,B.with surprise C.in wonder,D.at surprise.

3.Local people are objecting to the land being used as a site for household waste.

A.disposal,B.disposition, C.dispersal,D.dispossession.

4.Pronunciation is just one of the many problems that the language learner.


5.Mrs.Hardie making any comment on the company s deficit.

A.refrain from,B.refrain in.

C.refrain off,D.refrain at.

6.Mandela has to be patient if he is to his position as a great international figure.

A.suspect,B.suspend, C.sustain,D.subscribe.

7.I have doubts whether you ve made a right decision or not.

A.as of,B.as from, C.as for D.as to.

8.Public spending fall, not rise, in the next few years.

A.is supposed to,B.is doomed to.

C.is ready to D.is caused to.

9.We could see the shape of a person in the fog.

A.dim,B.visible, C.clear,D.invisible.

10.A chess player must have a imagination and rich sense of fantasy.

A.fierce,B.familiar, C.fluent,D.fertile.

11.We d like to a table for five for dinner this evening.

A.preserve,B.sustain, C.retain,D.reserve.

12.Doctors are trying hard to her for her frequent stomach trouble.

A.treat,B.cure, C.heal,D.remedy.

13.The book is still in the bestseller lists despite the complex theories it.

A.claims,B.relates, C.embodies,D.associates.