
第30章 PartII(13)

1.research A.of or relating to the family or household.

2.exceed B.money or property bequeathed to another by will.

3.domestic C.an ultimate object of endeavor; a goal.

4.eventually D.characterized by undeserved bad luck ; unlucky.

5.shortage E.close, careful study.

6.legacy F.something that represents something else by association,resemblance, or convention.

7.ideal G.to go beyond the limits of.

8.promote H.a deficiency in amount; an insufficiency.

9.symbol I.to raise to a more important or responsible job or rank.

10.unfortunate J.at an unspecified future time.


Explain the following words with words or phrases from the text.





5.keep up.






III.Word Finding.

Cross out the word in each group that does not belong.

1.narrate describe desert relate.

2.impetus stimulus implication incentive.

3.defense defiant protection shield.

4.connotation defeat conquer overpower.

5.master chief controller mate.

6.absent present current contemporary.

7.objective objection goal target.

8.concrete factual concerned physical.

Class Activity

I.Word Choices.

I.Word Choices.

There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best.

completes the sentence.

1.The United Nations was supposed to the role of global peace-keeper.

A.undergo B.resume C.presume D.undertake.

2.The new interest rate is expected to down the residents savings and stimulate consumption.

A.scale B.lay C.deprive D.minimize.

3.Mary decided to live off campus for she was not good terms with her roommates.

A.at B.for C.on D.of.

4.For the second time in ten years, the government has the economy into deep and damaging recession.

A.tightened B.driven C.intensified D.tempted.

5.the time available to us, we ll have to submit the report in draft form.

A.Given B.Being given.

C.Giving D.Having been given.

6.An unknown terrorist group has responsibility for this morning s bomb attack.

A.announced B.commanded C.required D.claimed.

7.In the last minute of the game Spain scored a triumphant goal and their rivals.

A.destroyed B.conquered C.convicted D.conjured.

8.We don t want to ourselves to a financial plan until more details are known.

A.suppress B.apply C.submit D.commit.

9.The latest scandal has raised about his suitability for the post.

A.doubts B.suspicions C.troubles D.hinder.

10.A new spirit of cooperation was much in at the meeting.

A.exaggeration B.exposure C.evidence D.demonstration.

11.The number of people employed in industries has dropped over the last five years.

A.production B.manufactured C.shaped D.made.

12.A rescue to save a girl who had fallen dow a well ended happily last night.

A.mission B.member C.military D.missile.

13.The accident only a small paragraph in the local paper.

A.accounted for B.made up.

C.merited D.amounted to.

14.The for new sources of energy is vital for the future of our planet.

A.observation B.exploitation C.explosion D.exploration.

15.Greenpeace works to awareness of the dangers that threaten our planet today.

A.provoke B.promote C.prohibit D.proclaim.

16.The compact disc s technological over records lies in the fact that it stores music in the same way as computers store information.

A.superiority B.priority.

C.inferiority D.predominance.

17.The importance of the release of first two hostages cannot be overestimated.

A.systematic B.superior C.supplement D.symbolic.

18.There has been a increase in the number of women students at Cambridge University in recent years.

A.simultaneous B.symbolic.

C.significant D.satirical.

19.He chose to resign being transferred to an insignificant position.

A.more than B.rather than C.other than D.better than.

20.George decided to enroll in a fitness program to his body.

A.take up B.tidy up C.tone up D.tighten up.

II.Word Distinguishing.

Choose a suitable word from the given groups to complete the following sentences and try to figure out the difference in meaning.


(1) You cannot play the piano properly if your fingers are too.

(2) Check that windows and doors are shut before you leave.

(3) She tightened the strings of the guitar until they were.


(1) Owing to of time, we cannot do more than what we have done.

(2) In the developed countries, there s a great of work force.

III.Words or Phrases.

Replace the underlined parts in the following sentences with words or expressions from the text that best keep the original meanings.

1.It s apparent that Mary and John have a better relationship than ever before.

2.The effect of the inflation is to cut down people s purchase power.

3.The postponement of the meeting made the result of the election uncertain.

4.The governing body, as currently constituted, includes two staff members.

5.She was so involved in the play that she cried in the final act.

6.The police station was bombed by terrorists.

7.The exposure of widespread corruption among city officials gave great stimulus to demands of reform.

8.The new government appointments have caused much debate.

9.They won the battle because of their massive advantage in numbers.

10.She believed that her duty in life was helping the old and the sick.

Post-class Activity

I.Synonyms and Antonyms.

Decide if the following pairs of words are synonyms or antonyms.If they are synonyms, circle S.If they are antonyms, circle A.

1.fade dwindle S A.

2.solar lunar S A.

3.military civil S A.

4.evidence proof S A.

5.pressure stress S A.

6.enough sufficient S A.

7.couple single S A.

8.create damage S A.

9.favor support S A.

10.practical theoretical S A.

II.Working for Phrasal Verbs.

Study the following phrases with“way” and then fill in the blanks with them in their proper forms.

1.You can t— you either work longer and get paid more or have more leisure time and get paid less.

2.In some areas, modern intensive farming the introduction of traditional methods.

3.He always without taking any notice of what his family wants.

4.She s determined to succeed and she won t.

5.You might be able to most things but you still have to clean the dishes !

6.It at work— either I ve got nothing to do and I m bored or there s so much work I can t keep up with it.
