
第25章 Love Affair with Painting

Winston Churchill

My father, Winston Churchill, began his love affair with painting in his 40s, amid disastrous circumstances. ...

...in the mid-1920s1 he won first prize in a prestigious amateur art exhibition held in London. Entries were anonymous, and some of the judges insisted that Winston’s picture...was the work of a professional, not an amateur, and should be disqualified. In the end, they agreed to rely on the artist’s honesty and were delighted when they learned that the picture had been painted by Churchill.

Historians have called the decade after 1929, when the Conservative government fell and Winston was out of office, his wilderness years.2 Politically he may have been wandering in barren places,2 a lonely fighter trying to awaken Britain to the menace of Hitler, but artistically that wilderness bore abundant fruit.2 Of the 500-odd3 canvases extant, roughly 250 date from4 1930 to 1939.

— M. Soames

love affair 恋爱,强烈爱好

disastrous adj. 灾难性的

prestigious adj. 有名望的

amateur adj. / n. 业余的

entry n. 参加比赛的人(或物)

anonymous adj. 匿名的

disqualify v. 取消……的资格

wilderness n. 荒漠

awaken v. 唤醒

menace n. 威胁

canvas n. 油画

extant adj. 尚存的

中译 爱上绘画(丘吉尔)






Sir Winston Churchill(温斯顿·丘吉尔爵士,1874-1965),英国政治家、著作家,保守党领袖,历任政府许多重要职务,最为有名的是担任英国首相(1940-1945,1951-1955),在第二次世界大战期间领导英国人民对德国法西斯作战。他著作甚多,如《世界危机》(The World Crisis, 1929)、《马尔博罗生平》(Marlborough: His Life and Times, 1938)、《第二次世界大战》(The Second World War, 1954)、《英国民族史》(History of the English-Speaking Peoples, 1958)等,获1953年诺贝尔文学奖。

文中disastrous circumstances指丘吉尔四十岁任内政大臣,因一名警察在珠宝店抢劫事件中被暴徒打死而受指责下台。后任海军大臣时,因战事失利而被免职。1929年后的十年,因印度问题和工党的反对,丘吉尔下野。文中wilderness years就是指他在政治上失势的时期。在希特勒(Hitler)的威胁出现时,他呼吁人们警惕,但无人响应。直到第二次世界大战爆发,他继任首相,领导英国人民对德国作战。

本文作者Mary Soames(玛丽·索姆斯,1922- ),是丘吉尔的女儿。


Without tradition, art is a flock of sheep

without a shepherd. — Churchill



1 in the mid-1920s

在年代数字后加字母 s ,表示十位数以内的时期,译为“……年代”。写成1990s 或 1990’s 都可以。读法一样,均读作 the nineteen nineties(二十世纪九十年代)。也可用于谈年龄。

I was born in the 1990s. 我生于20世纪90年代。

She is now in her early thirties (early 30s). 现在她已经三十多岁了。

He owned his first company in his late forties (late 40s). 他快到五十岁的时候开始有了第一家公司。

2 wilderness years / barren places / that wilderness bore abundant fruit

本篇末用了“荒漠 / 不毛之地 / 荒野中长出丰盛果实”等的意象比喻,有生动描写的效果:

The politician was in the wilderness after he had failed twice in the elections. 这位政客两次竞选失败之后而下野。

It was a barren discussion as they argued over trifles. 这是一场无益的讨论,因为他们为小事争论。

3 500-odd canvases...

odd 与数词构成复合词,表示“稍多于……”“……以上”:

200-odd pages 二百多页

twenty-odd pounds 二十多磅

4 date from

date from ( = date back to) 追溯至:

Their friendship dates from college days. 他们的友谊从大学时代就开始了。

This church dates back to the 6th century. 这座教堂早在六世纪就建成了。